Zynga Poker Script Nulled Scripts


Zynga Poker Script Nulled Scripts

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The web is a generative and wild place. Sometimes I think I missed my calling; being devious is so much fun.

Zynga Poker Script Nulled Scripts

Too bad my parents brought me up with scruples. Most phishing attacks depend on an original deception.

If you detect that you are at the wrong URL, or that something is amiss on a page, the chase is up. You’ve escaped the attackers. In fact, the time that wary people are most wary is exactly when they first navigate to a site. What we don’t expect is that a page we’ve been looking at will change behind our backs, when we aren’t looking. That’ll catch us by surprise.

How The Attack Works • A user navigates to your normal looking site. • You detect when the page has lost its focus and hasn’t been interacted with for a while.

• with the Gmail favicon, the title with “Gmail: Email from Google”, and the page with a Gmail login look-a-like. This can all be done with just a little bit of Javascript that takes place instantly. • As the user scans their many open tabs, the favicon and title act as a strong visual cue—memory is malleable and moldable and the user will most likely simply think they left a Gmail tab open. When they click back to the fake Gmail tab, they’ll see the standard Gmail login page, assume they’ve been logged out, and provide their credentials to log in. The attack preys on the perceived immutability of tabs.

• After the user has entered their login information and you’ve sent it back to your server, you redirect them to Gmail. Because they were never logged out in the first place, it will appear as if the login was successful.

I this new type of phishing attack “tabnabbing”. Targeted Attacks There are many ways to potentially improve the efficacy of this attack. Using my you can detect which site a visitor uses and then attack that site (although this is in Firefox betas). For example, you can detect if a visitor is a Facebook user, Citibank user, Twitter user, etc., and then switch the page to the appropriate login screen and favicon on demand. [*] Think looking for the exact error thrown when embedding. Yeah, this definitely highlights the need for an alternative to the standard login/password security model.

Just off the top of my head, if asking for a username and password became the exception rather than the norm for sites across the web, only used to install a cert or similar on one’s computer a la Kerberos, people would be more suspicious/cautious when a computer that they previously authorized suddenly asked them for their credentials. No idea how one would get that movement going without having a phishing pandemic across the web to motivate it, though. It would be even better to detect the “most valuable” site that a user has visited (with your Social History Script), then grab the html of that site’s login page and alter the form’s action [and method] property(ies) to send the data to your page. Another layer, once you get the info for one site set a cookie so you don’t ask for the details again (at least until the login fails).

That way you can grab multiple accounts from each person and you’re assured that any changes to the layout is concurrent with the phishing page (barring any changes to the form (I’m thinking of getting the form via JS.)). How to combat, install a plugin/extension/addon/GM script that captures a screen shot of the page onload, then compare it to the site just before any form submission and see if they match. Or, monitor any changes to the document’s code base and if a reasonably large set of changes has occurred then warn the user and stop form submission. (Also, you can have the extension send a warning email to the site owner(s).) Just some thoughts. Adam, I was considering a similar combat with the DOM changes, then warning the user, but I think that pushes people to fight back by loading most of the changes initially, and keeping them hidden to not cross some threshold. I’m almost thinking that the cheapest and quickest extension I would write would be something that hovers the current URL above your password box while focus is there (and maybe the username box if you can detect it). Might not work for me since my password manager autotypes, but could stop some attacks.

It feels like this beautifully simple phishing attack has a beautifully simple solution, but I’m not totally sure what it is yet. Either I missed something, or there’s another point that hasn’t been brought up. What if the user has his username and password automatically entered for a site? Say I have that done for Facebook, I visit an infected page, then go to another tab, and it mimics FB and asks for my login info.

As I understand it, since it only looks like FB, but the url is not FB, it won’t enter my login info, which should be a clue to me. But if I really am missing something and it not only mimics FB, but also can alter the URL so Firefox thinks it IS Facebook (when it isn’t), then my username and password will be entered into the form automatically. If that were the case, a little Javascript code could detect my info in the proper fields and send that anywhere, without me ever knowing about it, then it could change back to the page it was originally, leaving no clue at all anything had happened. So if the URL can’t be forged, then any program I’m using to remember login info would not be fooled, right? So if I follow a simple rule of not re-entering information for sites where my login info is stored, that would keep me from falling for this? (Of course, now I’m going to check the URL before entering any login info for re-logging in, but am I right about that?) Maybe I’m anal, but I tend to arrange my browser tabs to match my browsing habits.

I have one window that’s always up with the news sites (and XKCD) that I visit almost daily. If a favicon popped up that was out of order, I’d see it. Then I open other windows when I’m doing specific tasks and keep related tabs together. I wouldn’t for example, have any banking sites in a tab in a window with other types of sites.

I also keep track, in my head, any time I change focus from a secure site I’m logged in to (usually I log out rather than switch to other tabs). That doesn’t make me immune, but it does help me know what tabs are where. Suggestions for increasing savviness: 1) Check the URL before you enter login credentials, always. 2) Don’t leave open tabs to things you need secure. I never have a tab open to a bank’s page unless I’m browsing as a visitor.

If I see a tab asking me to log into my bank account, I didn’t leave it open and it’s fishy. 3) Tabs that you do leave open, try to keep them in one place. All of my “check them constantly; refresh often” tabs are on the left.

If a tab is out of place, then something is screwy. There is no way to programmatically alter tab arrangement yet. A mechanism to group tabs (I am sure Aza could come up with something;) ) that puts specific tabs into a specific group automatically could also help this. For example (just thinking out loud here), if every time you visited your bank, that’d switch your view to the “trusted” group and maybe even adjusted the Persona appropriately, then you’d have strong visual hints about the authenticity of the site. You’d know: My bank can’t, ever, be shown with the Harry Potter persona, but only with the Hello Kitty one. I suppose that firefox can know the pages I navigate too, including those that need a login/pwd. I suppose too that it is capable of rendering a web.

I suppose also that it could store the rendering of the login pages I use, and compare them to each tab I navigate too. Should two renderings be similar (via some comparison function on pictures that does not have to be extremely precise), but the corresponding websites be different, you would trigger a phising alarm. Considering how geniously tricky this hack is, I believe that a solution like the one I just made up and suggested could then block quite a number of such attacks.

Me and a friend was talking about this issue on MSN just now, and it’s a real headache to fix this for browsers. Everything suggests that DOM-tree manipulation in inactive tabs is a wanted feature for browsers. Preventing inactive tabs from using javascript is not an option.

Think only of the implications that would have on Facebook Chat, Gmail, and numerous other high profile features. So what can be done to prevent this?

Very little, I imagine. However, there could be some browser design changes made which could help the user identify such pages. We suggest a feature where a visual snapshot is taken from tabs when they go inactive. When a user navigate back to the tab, the snapshot is displayed for a predetermined time, lets say 200ms or whatever looks best, and then the updated visual fades in.

This would alert the user if the change is major, and really wouldn’t bother the user if all that’s changed is the email list or the chat window. In fact, it could be a visual cue as to whats changed and considered a feature. In addition there could be displayed some form of visual cue on the tab or somewhere else in the browser if the DOM-tree had changed “while you were away”. This should of course not be applied for video, flash and other such interactive media. It’s not just a Javascript that is a problem.

I rail against Flash all the time because unless you specifically block a flash embed from allowing Javascript execution, a.swf embed will allow whoever hosts it to change functionality on the fly without giving any indication to the person who embeds it. In effect, you could build a widget that looks useful Say, a Twitter widget, and get a wide enough audience and you could then do this from other peoples sites remotely. At least with a.js only solution you can usually ferret out what scripts do or where they point. With flash it’s all hidden from view and pretty much completely undetectable until the malicious hacker plans to launch an “attack”. Take a look at my linked in profile to see why I might have insight into this. Actually, this attack looks pretty effective in my chrome browser. Sure the favicon and address bar aren’t correct, but when I navigate away from chrome altogether and come back, it looks (at first glance) like I need to log in to Gmail.

Since I’m often tired and inattentive while using the computer, that could be enough under the right circumstances. It almost fooled me the first time. I’m sure it would be enough for some people and that’s what phishers are counting on. They don’t care if they catch everyone, they just need to land enough phish.

Password and re-logging-in schemes are dangerous. They do train users to give away info. This is ridiculous. First of all, I was able to see the transition in progress while the page was still open because of a tiny IM window that popped uup which removed focus from the tab. Even the dumbest users wouldn’t trust something they just say mutate into something else. Another issue, the biggest flaws actually, is how the hell would you know they have a gmail/hotmail/etc to trick them into logging into in the first place?

Say the tab tricks them into thinking its chase’s website. Maybe they don’t even USE chase.

People don’t just log in to ANYTHING. Current phishing methods know you use the target fake site simply because you clicked on the link.

Because the email could say “from chase, blah blah please update your email blah”. Only people who USE CHASE would even click in the first place. How would you randomly guess a site to fake if you don’t know what sites the user uses? Answer: you cannot.

You just guess. Too many issues with this “new method” exist for me to take it seriously. You’d have to pray the user didn’t notice the “transition” occurring. In addition the faked site would have to be something that they would log into in the FIRST PLACE. This is a monumental guess seeing as there’s no way to know what sites a random user actually uses.

@rage — maybe it wouldn’t catch you. Would it be good enough to fool somebody sometime? To wit, people have been known to be fooled by phishing emails with obvious selling and grammar errors. Moreover, the script is designed to run after a period of inattentivity, meaning the user’s mind was on something else. So, if you are distracted having been doing something else for 5 minutes and you came back to your browser wanting to send a mail and you found gmail on the browser but it was logged out, would you never just login? Now make yourself a typical user (especially one not exceptionally tech savvy) and one who gets logged out of gmail regularly and has to log back in.

Do you think in that case, your reaction will be that this is a phishing attack? Honestly, I was reading the article and had to do something on my other laptop for a bit and I came back wanting to do something else and saw the gmail login on this laptop. Did I remember I was reading about the phishing attack? No, I was thinking about what I had to do. It was not gmail, but still it did fool me for a few seconds, as I went to close gmail since it wasn’t what I wanted. Oh, and it wasn’t really gmail, it was this proof-of-concept. So, am I convinced it might convince someone else?

I think the answer to that is obvious. Remember phishers are playing the lottery. They know every ticket isn’t a winner. They just hope once in a while they win enough. Would a script like this be good enough to get some people to give up their passwords some times? It was almost good enough to get me to do so. Very nice to hear how great and safe Firefox is.

But after over a year of the ever unfixed and endlessly annoying ” cannot find server” bug, together with FF not loading images properly, the increasing startup slownessI finally switched to Chrome. I loved FF, but it annoyed the hell out of me.

Why don’t you just FIX it once and for all, thousands of people are still complaining about the “cannot find server” bug Chrome is lightning fast and far more efficient, and I stopped caring how safe and blah FF is when it never works as it should. This is a devious instance of a whole class of phishing schemes to get someone to use a fake web page. A general solution might work like this: 1. Create a list of “real” sites. Akon Sunny Day Instrumental Mp3 Download. The browser presents a dramatically different look when at one of these identified sites.

Not just an icon or small change, but change the color scheme, display in large text on the title bar, etc. There could be a visual action when the focus is place on a password box.

The browser would have to make sure that these looks are not programmable by a script. At first glance, #1 looks impossible. But the list does not need to be complete, or even close. Phishers are looking for popular sites (FB, gmail, big banks, etc.). A list that just took the 500 most popular sites would make phishing much less worthwhile. Popularity should be based on a long period of time, so someone can’t trick their way onto the list. How often does a phisher have a top-500 web site?

The feature would need to be described carefully, to not imply that those not on the list are bad sites. It could just be called the “top sites” feature, but users would recognize if gmail or their bank site were suddenly not on the top sites list. It may work with people who use lot of popular services, like Gmail, Facebook and so on. If I don’t use any of these, I would be rather surprised when I suddenly find a Gmail tab in my browser. What does it do here? And it is a good habit to work like this: log into a service (eg.

Online banking), do whatever you have to do there, and then immediately log out and navigate to another site. Even if someone later fakes the banking site in one of your tabs, you *know* you are done working there, so this site has no reason to appear.

I was typing up comments and I hesitated a little while taking a phone call and just as I was getting ready to click [Submit Comment], your page auto-refreshed and showed the GMail login screenshot!! And I lost all of my comments!!!:-( I’ll try again Is this attack already occurring or are you just warning us that it could happen? And wouldn’t correct terminology be TAB-NAPPING -as in a tab that was kidnapped?? Just wondering Mike Santagata, Network Administrator Gebhardt & Kiefer Law Firm —.

I see where you’re coming from, but I noticed something interesting; this is whenever the window looses focus, not just when you switch tabs. I noticed this because you mentioned that a certain version of Chrome isn’t susceptible. Curious, I checked to see what version of Chrome I was using. That simple act of opening the About window in Chrome triggered the page to think you had switch to a new tab, and you could visually see the page change, as the About window does not completely cover the website. This doesn’t take away from the validity of this kind of attack. It merely means that someone would have to code the attack differently to take into account this possibility, which, if I remember correctly, isn’t possible to do in code.

FWIW, I went to the Gizmodo link about Unicode Domain Name attacks, to which you referred, on a new tab, of course. From the comments that have been posted there by readers, the use of Cyrillic and other non-Latin writing (such as simplified Chinese) cannot be used to create the Unicode Domain Name attack that Jesus at Gizmodo described. He refers to a page on the Times Online (now a 404) “via Mashable.com” — a link to an article there which has the byline of Christina Warren that apparently was based upon the Times Online report. That “attack” seems to be a nonesuch. However, if your website page, where I am writing these remarks, can be used to test tabphishing, then something seems amiss. I spent a while reading the articles on those websites on their respective tabs, and the Firefox 3.6.3 tab for this page never changed.

Since I do not have a Gmail account, maybe that is why your web site does not execute the attack. Of course, I would be more than a bit mystified if a GMail tab replaced the content for another open tab.

I am extra glad that I use 1Password to store my authentication information. Since the URL would not be in the correct domain (even if it looks as if it is), hitting command- would not fill in the name and password, and my suspicions will now be aroused enough to investigate.

Thanks for pointing out that I should do so, since I might formerly have simply thought that this kind of attack was *yet another* URL variant for which I needed to train 1Password. I’m sure that other password vaults provide this benefit as well. Great post and i like this,,,,, Like most web developers or SEO professionals, I use a vast array of tools to get the job done.

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I talked with the girl live, that’s when I noticed something wrong about the look of the tab. Fine Print 6 01 Crack Cocaine. I clicked on the tab to see the source the it said that was verified by equifax! I closed firefox and changed my passwords using diffrent browser.

There in yahoo also I noticed that people been trying to get me to allow them to chat, to try to do the Cam Scam. I had the latest Firefox, I uninstalled. Getting an iTunes cleanup plan can make your life simple, but selecting the correct just one can be hard if you really don’t do sufficient study. When you have address all the points stated previously mentioned, you will probably be additional confident in picking a cleanup iTunes device. Just one of the most revered audio management tools these days is by significantly a system named the TuneUp Media Companion.

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Sure that’s proper, and you can do this immediately with TuneUp media. Check out more. As Javascript isn’t allowed to do anything much by my settings, it couldn’t set the image, so the tab was blank (albeit with Gmail favicon). Along the way I found the origin of my problems with another site – it, too, couldn’t set the picture when I expected it to. However, Firefox refused to block JS so cruelly, rendering me unable to make this tab blank on reload (and working perfectly on that other site;) ) So, well, I love my browser! What bugs me most is having to rewrite this comment thrice because of this tab losing focus during clarifying experiments:P P.P.S.

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