Urban Immovable Property Tax Act 1958 Pdf To Word
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• (i) agricultural operations directly related to production of any agricultural produce including cultivation, harvesting, threshing, plant protection or seed (The negative list entry in sub-clause (i) of clause (d) of section 66D is being modified by deleting the word “seed”. G.S.R(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 93 of the Finance Act, 1994 (32 of 1994) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act) and in supersession of notification number 12/2012- Service Tax, dated the 17 th March, 2012, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) vide number G.S.R. 210 (E), dated the 17 th March, 2012, the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the following taxable services leviable thereon under section 66B of the said Act, namely. (e) ' authorised person” means any person who is appointed as such either by a stock broker (including trading member) or by a member of a commodity exchange and who provides access to trading platform of a stock exchange or a commodity exchange as an agent of such stock broker or member of a commodity exchange; “approved vocational education courses” is being changed to include a course run by an industrial training institute or an industrial training centre affiliated to State Council for Vocational Training. Further, courses run by an institute affiliated to the National Skill Development Corporation are being excluded from the scope of the definition because National Skill Development Corporation is not an affiliating body. (t) “health care services” means any service by way of diagnosis or treatment or care for illness, injury, deformity, abnormality or pregnancy in any recognised system of medicines in India and includes services by way of transportation of the patient to and from a clinical establishment, but does not include hair transplant or cosmetic or plastic surgery, except when undertaken to restore or to reconstruct anatomy or functions of body affected due to congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, injury or trauma.
****** SNEA NASHIK WISH YOU ALL A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS DIWALI ****** 14 DEC 17: OVERWHELMING RESPONSE OF TOTAL STRIKE: In really very proud and strongly bonded unity of the executives and non-executives throughout Nashik SSA, on the second day of the two days strike, all the comrades have shown more stronger unity and an overwhelming response. None of Exchanges/Offices/CSCs were opened in Nashik SSA even on second day also for functioning or any office activity.SNEA Nashik thanks to all comrades for total participation in strike. 10 DEC 17: Meeting of Leaders of all Unions and Associations of Maharashtra Circle for preparations of Two Days Strike on 12th & 13th Dec 2017 at Mumbai: The meeting of leaders of All Unions & Associations, Maharashtra Circle was held on at 1230 hrs in the Office of SC ST Welfare Association (SEWA) Mumbai for preparations of two days strike scheduled on 12th & 13th February 2017 for only two major demands i.e. Grant of 3rd PRC and opposing formation of Tower Company.
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The Meeting was presided by Com. Gharde, President SEWA BSNL MH and Co-Presided by Com. Surati President SEWA BSNL Mumbai and it was attended by Com. Shrikant Sahare, DP SNEA WTP, Com. Jadhav, President SNEA Mumbai, Com.
Anil Dubey, DS SNEA Mumbai, Com Sunil Dethe, DS SEWA BSNL Mumbai, Com. Mahesh Arkal, DP BSNLEU Mumbai, Com. Rajesh Shrivastav DS BSNLEU WTP, Com. Parmar, DS BSNLEU Civil Mumbai, Com. Yaswant Kekare DS BSNLEU Mumbai, Com.
Sunil Sonawane ADT NFTE BSNL Mumbai, Com. Sawant DS NFTE BSNL Mumbai, Com. Milind Ingale, ACS NFTE BSNL MH, Com. Rajesh Parulekar, CP AIBSNLEA MH, Com. Ganesh Hinge, CT BSNLEU MH, Com. Joshi, CS AIBSNLEA MH, & Com. M.S Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ & CS SNEA MH. Apart from these Circle /District leaders many of the activists of different Unions and Associations have actively participated in the meeting and shared their views.
After detail discussions the following decisions were taken unanimously... All the leaders of Unions/Associations appreciated the participation of executives and non-executives in all earlier calls on the subject i.e. Call for day long dharana, Human Chain, Lunch Hour demonstrations and conveyed thanks and gratitude to all the participant comrades. It was firmly decided that the Strike on 12th & 13th Dec 2017 is to be made 100% successful by each and every member of all participant Unions/Associations and no one is given exclusion for any reason. It was resolved that all the leaders at each and every District should organize District Level Meeting on 11th Dec 2017 if not arranged earlier and also the leaders will work together for awareness among members about need of their participation with the strongest unity, so that our voice reaches the DoT/Govt of India and our genuine demands are settled without further delay. The matter of applications of leave by some individuals was also discussed and it was decided that no Association/Unions leader will oppose the leave application by any individual member of any Union/Association during strike Period and let them apply at their wish. It was decided that All Unions & Associations of BSNL in Maharashtra Circle will take up matter with respective CHQ Leaders for not deduction of Salary against Striking employees/officers and mater will also be strongly taken with Circle management.
But till it becomes matter of Salary Deduction, then it will applicable to all the executives and non-executives who participated in Strike and also for those executives and non-executives who have applied leave during the Strike Period as per the guidelines issued by BSNL Corporate Office on the subject. As such application of CL, EL or even medical Leave will have no meaning and Salary Deduction will be applied for all the executives/non executives who have chosen clever idea of application of leave on these days showing double standards i.e. To be with Union/association and also not to participate in agitation. It was also decided that no member of any Union/Association should attend the Control Room Duties allotted by Administration during strike period and let it be allotted to the non-members of participant Unions/Associations. It was also decided that all executives/non-executives who are members of participant Union/Association and even they are working on technical posts, at Secretariat of SSA Head or even as SSA Head they also will participate in the strike and no one given excuse on either day of strike for any reason. The members joining duties or shown on duty or messaging to their respective controlling officers that he/she was not allowed to enter and he/she may be treated as not supporting to call by all Unions & Associations of BSNL and their act will be dealt by the respective association/ union constitutional procedures and the resultant action on his/her membership will be taken within the frame work of constitutional provisions of their association.
It was decided to have strong initiatives by leaders of all Unions/Association at Circle/Districts levels for awareness among each and every executive/non-executives by door to door campaign and the individuals working at remote places and rural areas are to be updated on need of their joining in this struggle which is battle for survival of BSNL. SAD News:- Shri Y.B.Jadhav (DE LA Mobile) passed away due to massive heart attack. SNEA Nashik extend heartiest condolences. We have lost our loyal and faithful senior officer. SNEA Nashik whole heratedly congratulates Com J D Charwekar (ex-CWC member)JTO WTR Nashik on his superannuation retirement and wish him a very happy and healthy post retirement life ahead.
“SAVE PSUS, SAVE INDIA”, STATE LEVEL CONVENTION OF AIPCOC AT MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA: The first State level convention of West Zone of All India Public Sector and Central Government Officers’ Confederation was held in at Recreation Club, Mazgaon Dock Limited, Mumbai on. The meeting was attended by representatives of various executives' Association from different PSUs & Central Govt. Organizations like BSNL, MTNL, BEML, BEL, HAL, MDL, IOCL, and Customs Department. Representatives of various Banks Associations from SBI, Central Bank of India, Syndicate Bank etc. Were present and participated in the discussion during meeting.
The theme of convention meeting and convention on “Save Pubic Sector - Save India' was well organized by Association Leaders of Mazgaon Dock Limited and the hall was fully jam packed. On behalf of SNEA, Com. Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ and CS SNEA MH addressed the gathering in his usual charismatic speech covered various aspects of issues faced by PSUs and emphasized the importance of every PSU in every sector to act as a regulator of prices and ensure development and growth even in non-profit zones. He explained the importance of existence of PSUs to provide affordable services to common man of country in competitive era in every field.
As per directions and discussions with leaders from different PSUs from Maharashtra State, the State level Body of AIPCOC Maharashtra is formed and in proud moment for all SNEA comrades, Com. Sangle, DS SNEA Nashik is nominated as State Secretary, newly formed State Body of AIPCOC Maharashtra. SNEA Maharashtra congratulates Com.
Sangle on his election as State Secretory of AIPCOC Maharashtra and conveys him best wishes in building stronger unity of executives among different PSUs n Maharashtra State. SNEA Zindabad Com. Sangaleji congratulations. All Unions and Associations of BSNL served formal Notice for the two days strike on 12th and 13th December, 2017 demanding 3rd pay Revision WITH 15% fitment w.e.f., settlement of 2nd Pay Revision related issues and No Tower Subsidiary formation.
BSNLEU, NFTE, SNEA, AIBSNLEA, AIGETOA, FNTO, BSNLMS, BSNLOA, SEWA (BSNL), TEPU, BTEU (BSNL), BSNL ATM and TOA (BSNL) signed the notice. EPF NAME,DOB CORRECTION FOR EKYC UPDATE. Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion Policy (CPSU Cadre Hierarchy) up to AGM Grade approved by the Management Committee of BSNL Board today. Broad agreement reached between the Recognized Association SNEA and BSNL Management on Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion (CPSU Cadre Hierarchy) proposal. It will be a Uniform Time Bound Functional Promotion policy for all the Executives in different cadres and in different wings up to AGM grade. This will end the disparity in promotions between various cadres in different wings and provides uniform promotional avenues to all the Executives in different wings. New designations will be as follows: JTO /JAO equivalent grade - Deputy Manager SDE /AO equivalent grade - Manager Sr.
SDE /Sr.AO equivalent grade - Sr. Manager AGM /CAO/EE/DE equivalent grade -Asst General Manager III.
Date of implementation:.: As a onetime measure, all the existing Executives in higher scales and completed the qualifying service will be placed in higher grades on itself without conducting fresh DPC. Subsequent review: 1st Jan/1st July, 2018 onwards, twice in a year.
Existing Executives in higher scales will be placed in higher grades without conducting fresh DPC. Promotion up to AGM grade will be on Rect year/ vacancy year basis.
Functional Promotion up to AGM grade will be on Time Bound basis as under: a) Deputy Manager (JTO/JAO) to Manager (SDE/AO) --- 5 years. B) Manager (SDE/AO) to Sr Manager (Sr SDE/Sr AO) --- 5 years.
C) Sr Manager (Sr SDE/Sr AO) to AGM (DE/CAO/EE) --- 5 years. D) Since Sr Manager (Sr SDE) grade is newly introduced as a functional grade, time bound promotion to AGM grade will be after 5 years of service in Sr Manager (Sr SDE/Sr AO) grade or 12 years combined service in SDE & Sr SDE equivalent grades, whichever is less.
E) If sufficient number of eligible Executives is not available for AGM/CAO promotion, Adhoc promotions will be given by relaxing the qualifying service. Time Bound upgradations to higher scales will continue for the Executives already working in higher scales, on completion of qualifying service in the lower scale. Relaxation in qualifying service for the Executives in higher scales: a) Manager (SDE/AO) in E3 scale will be considered for promotion to Sr Manager Grade after 3 years of service in Manager Grade. All will get AGM promotion in 8 years.
B) Dy Manager (JTO/JAO) in E4 scale will be considered for promotion to Sr Manager Grade after 3 years of service in Manager Grade. All will get AGM promotion in 8 years. C) Dy Manager (JTO/JAO) in E3 scale will be considered for promotion to Sr Manager Grade after 4 years of service in Manager Grade. All will get AGM promotion in 9 years.
One year relaxation for the Dy Managers (JTO/JAO) recruited for the same rect year. Present LDCE passed and corresponding vacancy year Seniority Quota Executives will be enbloc senior to other JTOs. They will be treated as SDE from itself. On CPSU Hierarchy, the formal discussions are taken place with the recognized Assns only, as per the provisions of Recognition Rules. SNEA only have the right for negotiation/discussion with the management on such policy matters. On large number of issues, agreement reached between both sides. But on some issues, management did not fully agree to the demands, citing administrative constraints.
This will be the major breakthrough for all the Executives and a direct result of the membership verification and becoming recognized Association. During verification campaign, it was assured by SNEA that it will try to get promotions within 3 months, ie.
By March, 2017. By this new policy, promotions will be effected from January, 2017 itself, just one month after the MV. By conveying thanks and gratitude, SNEA MH congratulates entire leadership of SNEA CHQ for taking such strong initiatives and keeping the assurances given to comrades during membership verifications. SNEA Zindabad. CHQ News:--Meeting with DIR(HR): GS, President and AGS met Smt Sujata T Ray, DIR(HR) on 18.010.2017 and discussed the following issues: a) Approval of E2, E3 pay scales: As reported earlier, DoT sent a very negative note to Ministers office on this issue justifying the PO issued on, lowering the pay scales to E1 and E2 respectively. On knowing this, we sought the immediate intervention of CMD and DIR(HR) on this issue. DIR(HR) and CMD acted immediately on this issue.
DIR(HR) informed that the matter has been discussed with the PS to the Minister and explained each and every point in the BSNL proposal and how PO issued by DoT is totally against the proposal of BSNL. With this input, the matter will be further discussed with the Hon Minister. B) 3rd PRC implementation and 2% hike in superannuation benefits: DIR(HR) informed that the agenda was not discussed in the last Board meeting due to technical problems as some of the members could not get sufficient time to go through the proposal. The Remuneration Committee recommendations are positive on both the proposals.
On completion of the formality of 7 days mandatory period after circulation of agenda and other technical problems, it is decided to discuss the agenda on and Board meeting scheduled accordingly. SNEA Nashik Members felicitated Hon GMT Nashik Shri Nitinji Mahajan Sir with Diwali wishes. >: Diwali Message by Shri. Anupam Shrivastva, CMD BSNL stressing for treating customer with due respect and not to use any harsh words for customers. As per the instructions from CHQ and Circle Lunch hour demonstrations held at Sanchar Bhavan Nashik. Leaders and members from all unions and associations were present.
Huge gathering was there and leaders explained the current developements regarding PRC and other HR issues. Availability of Nano SIM Cards: SNEA MH has received complaints from many of the officers that there is acute shortage of Nano SIM cards at about every CSC in Maharashtra Circle except few. The matter was confirmed by Com. Ankit Gangar JS HQ SNEA MH with the officers of Marketing Section Mumbai and it has been informed that there is no shortage of SIM Cards in Maharashtra Circle and about Six lakhs “Nano SIM Cards are rightly available with Marketing Cell Circle Office Mumbai and can be demanded by any SSA which is need. Apart from these SIX Lakhs Nano SIM cards available in hand, the Maharashtra Circle has already purchase Order for additional Eight Lakh Nano Cards and same are expected within period n coming two months. Till anyone has any issue about Nano SIM Cards and its availability he/she may directly contact to Com. Jitendra Karambelakar JTO Mktg Mumbai Mob.
SAD NEWS:-- Respected Father of Com. M L Kothawade Vice President SNEA Nashik Shri Laxman Nathu Kothawade passed away. The funeral at native place Nizampur Dist Nandurbar at 17.00 hrs. SNEA Nashik pariwar express deep condolance. May God rest him in peace.
CHQ News:-- Meeting with Shri Anupam Shrivatava, CMD, BSNL: JF leaders met Shri Anupam Shrivatsava, CMD, BSNL and held discussions on the following issues. A) 3rd PRC implementation: On behalf of all the Executives and BSNL employees we thanked CMD and all the Directors for approving the 3rd PRC proposal with full 15%. In earlier meetings with CMD and DIR(HR), we had taken up the issue of PRC with full 15% fitment and protecting all the pensionary benefits including superannuation benefits. JF thanked CMD for accepting our demand with 15% fitment and protecting the pensionary benefits. JF could not meet DIR(HR) as she is out of station.
B) Approval of E2 and E3 pay scales: The file with regard to E2 and E3 reached the Ministers office. Few days back we met Shri Mahesh Girii, Hon MP and BJP National President. He responded very positively and immediately spoken to the Ministers office. Later on he had spoken to the Hon Minister also.
We will be meeting him again in few days to pursue further. CMD informed that he is in touch with Secretary and the Ministers office and will try to discuss the matter today when he is going to the MoSC office for some other purposes.
DIR(HR) is also in touch with the PS to Hon MoSC in this regard. Congratulations to Newly elected Circle Body at Circle conference held at Nagpur. P.N.Patil CEC member Nashik elected as Cirlce Treaserer. Congratulations to Com P N Patilji for achieving great success. SNEA Nashik Comrades taken tiredless efforts for CC mission. Thanks to all the Comrades for great efforts. Dear Comrades Please attend Special meeting on 1/9/2017 at 17.30 hrs at Conference hall Sanchar Bhavan Nashik to discuss organisational matters and finalize the delegates as per constitution of SNEA for attending forthcoming Circle conference at Nagpur on 18th and 19th Sept 2017.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>AGM(Staff), CO Mumbai issues modification in the order for relieving of those JTOs/SDEs in MH Circle, who were under transfer from non-tenure to Tenure and Tenure to non-tenure SSAs. Order Various complaints have been received regarding the problems faced in ADSL Modems of type SYRMA, Super Net, Teracom and iBall. Complaints were received that URL being used for configuring Modem was also not accessible. The following has to be carried out to resolve the issue. Give hard reset to Modems.
Change the password to access the modem(admin password to be changed) 3. Reconfigure Broadband username and password. Activate ACL button. Disable UPnP, Disable CWMP (if available) 6. Configure Wi Fi username and password wherever required.
Save and restart Modem. Field units are requested to ensure that the instructions must invariably be carried out wherever such problems have been noticed. >>>>>>>>>>>SNEA Nashik congratulates one and all for the total and massive success of Yesterday Strike in MH Circle. SNEA DY GS COM ADSULJI VISITED NASHIK TODAY. GREAT MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH AND INTERACTION SESSION AT SANCHAR BHAVAN NASHIK.
>>>>>>>SNEA NASHIK WELCOMES COM A R KAMBLE (EE CIVIL), COM A M PATIL (SDE IGATPURI) AND COM R P PATIL (SDE SATPUR) TO SNEA NASHIK PARIWAR. >>>>>>>CHQ News: BSNL replies to DoT with respect to the queries raised by DoT on implementation of Standard Pay scales E2 and E3 for JTOs and SDEs and equivalent cadres. Revision of IDA As per DPE order, IDA has now been revised from 117.1% to 119% w.e.f. SNEA NASHIK WELCOMES LDCE PASSED JTOs TO SNEA NASHIK PARIWAR. Comrade Rakesh Solanki; Com.Kushal Gharte; Com.Vineet Kulkarni; Com.Nikhil Bendale; Com.Yogesh Zadikar; Com.Milind Pawar; ComShubhangi Borade; Com. Kavita Pawar.
SNEA Nashik congratulates and welcomes all JE to JTO LDCE passed candidates in JTO cadre after successful completion of field training. >>>>Superannuation.Com GHUGE BHIKA SHANKAR (SDE Mobile Gallery) Mobile-; Com SHINDE SHANKAR RAMBHAU ( JTO Niphad ) Mobile- & Com SHAIKH SUBHAN HUSENBHAI ( JTO Lasalgaon ) Mobile-..
On behalf of SNEA Nashik we all wish you a very happy and healthy post retirement life. SNEA Nashik welcomes newly joined members Com P C Chaudhari (DE Cidco); Com K B Tayade (JTO FM); Com Bhadarage A.L.
(JTO Upnagar). Welcome to SNEA Nashik Pariwar. CHQ News Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike and Work According to Rule from. The agitation programs deferred till will restart on as there are not much improvement in DoT on the standard pay scale issues. The DO letter from CMD/BSNL is just processed but still pending with Jt Sec(A)/DoT for more than one week.
Officers in DoT is not serious to correct the mistake even though BSNL management has taken a positive stand on E2 and E3 scales. Similarly for the issues pertaining to BSNL, not much progress has been made except for some movement of files and lining up the action plan on the issues. So we have to resume the agitation programs from where we left. Unfortunately some Assn is playing very negative role in this regard simply ignoring the larger interest of the cadre. This has exposed them and given everybody the answer to the question why they backed out from the agitation under the banner of JF. Their stand will really help the AS(T) and other officers in DoT who are working overtime to demote the cadres to E1 and E2.
Approach each and every Executive and explain the negative campaign by the Assn against E2 and E3. Hurdles are being created in the resolutions of Pay, Promotion and Pension issues by engaging and demoralizing the officers dealing with issues in baseless allegations.
All this is being done just with the intent of derailing the settlement of issues. However, ignoring such mindset, let us all concentrate on the program right now and make each executive of BSNL to join the agitation from. It is our responsibility to convince the members of other Assn, especially thousands of JAOs, AOs etc who are facing demotion and make them to join the agitation. Comrades, through very tough agitation only we can reverse the DoT decision and resolve the burning HR issues. Make all preparations by conducting emergency combined general body meeting of the JF at Branch/SSA level in the remaining few days and gear up for the Indefinite Relay Hunger Strike and Work according to Rule from.
Combined Executive Committee meeting at SSA/Circle level also should be convened at the earliest, even during the agitation for making the agitation programmes successful. CHQ News CHQ President Com. Khan met the concerned officers regarding the issue of levying of charges by M/s Hungama on Landline phones. We emphasized that M/s Hungama is levying charges suo moto in the bills of Subscribers which is totally unethical & illegal. This levying of charges without the consent of subscribers is leading to frustration amongst subscribers and is ultimately leading to disconnection of land line telephones. In addition to this, invocation of PRBT on land lines is also being carried out without the knowledge of our esteemed subscribers.
It was informed that the issue is already in their knowledge. It was assured that very shortly the services by this means will be stopped and ways are being explored to make it a OTP (One time password) based services. Good news for all fighting comrades of MH circle who have maintained their consistent efforts in raising the demand of Time Bound Promotion, equally for all after 4 years in CWC Hyderabad and making the resolutions accordingly. Our justified demand is seen to be heard by the management. As assured to Joint Forum, Personal Section of BSNL CO has issued letter seeking the details on the number of persons getting first time bound upgradation in 4 years, 4-5 years, 5-6 years, 6years.
It is requested to ensure that data reaches Pers section, BSNLCO New Delhi at the earliest. SNEA Nashik Congratulates Nashik Telephone Employees Co-Op Credit Society Limited Newly Elected body members and wish them wholehearted support for future prospective journey. Chairman:-- Com Shivajirao Warungase; Vice Chairman-- Smt Khairnar Madam; Secretaty-- Shri L.M. Shinde Treasurer:-- Com S.A.
Bhadane; Public Relations:-- Shri Ashokrao Aware CHQ News Discussions on HR issues continued for the third day with PGM(Pers) and Jt GM (Pers) on the following pending HR issues: I. Promotions in various cadres: Management agreed to work out suitable mechanism to issue promotion orders shortly. The framework for issuance of promotion orders shall be ready by next week.
The matter has been discussed with the senior advocate also. JTO to SDE promotion under seniority & LDCE quota: It is decided that Personal cell will immediately call for Vigilance clearance for JTO to SDE promotions in both the quotas for all the JTOs as per the eligibility lists as well as all the LDCE passed candidates.
The modalities to end the impasse will be initiated which includes discussing the matter with petitioners and issuing promotions for all the unfilled vacancies. Similarly, all the candidates who have passed LDCE shall be considered for promotion. SDE to DE promotion: VCs will be called for next week. We demanded to divert the remaining 25 percent MT quota also for promotions which management agreed to consider. JTO (C/E/TF) to SDE(C/E/TF) promotion: Immediate action will be initiated for conduction of DPC for all the vacancies upto 2016-17.
SDE(C) to EE(C) promotion: Same action will be initiated as in the case of SDE to DE promotion. JAO to AO and AO to CAO promotions: Discussions will be held next week in the presence of GM(FP). Uniform 1st Time Bound Promotion in Four Years for all the Executives. Detailed discussions held on the issue. We explained the background of the issue where thousands of Executives joined between 1996 to 2002 are getting first TBP in 6 or 5 years where as others are getting in 4 years of service, especially after the 2nd PRC. The Khan Committee recommendations also come up for discussion. Further discussions required on the issue.
Meanwhile management agreed to start working on the issue and will call the details from the circles immediately for the implementation. Scrapping of ongoing DR-DGM recruitment and DR-DGM/MT RRs. On DR-DGM RR, BSNL management agreed to scrap the RR. The proposal will be moved to MC and BSNL Board. On ongoing DGM rect, management is non committal and we demanded scraping of the same. The declared results are again under scrutiny. On MT RR, no rect process will be initiated and the methodology for fast track promotions will be discussed and finalized after CPSU Hierarchy implementation.
Comrades, today discussions were very positive and management seriously got involved in resolving the issues. It is agreed to continue the discussion on weekly basis till the issues are resolved. Weekly review meeting will be held with DIR (HR) also on the issues. AGM (Estt), CO Mumbai issues E4 to E5 TBP promotion/upgradation in IDA scale for executives working in MH Circle. AGM (Estt), CO Mumbai issues E3 to E4 TBP promotion/upgradation in IDA scale for executives working in MH Circle. AGM Staff, CO Mumbai issues order for field training for 163 JTO trainees who have completed their Phase-1 training at RTTC Hyderabad/Nagpur/Pune/Rajpura on in the respective SSAs as is where is basis.
Four week field training will be commencing wef to. Executive Engineer (EP), CO Mumbai issues transfer and posting in the grade of SDE(Electrical). AGM(Staff) CO Mumbai displays waiting list request transfer applications of all JTOs as on. Date of cancellation of request is. AGM(Staff) CO Mumbai displays waiting list request transfer applications of all SDEs as on. Date of cancellation of request is. AGM (S&M-CFA), CO Mumbai endorses the circular regarding new promotional scheme to waive off installation charges for New FTTH connections.
In the discussions held with JF on, DoT in principle agreed to review the PO issued on. As decided in the meeting, BSNL will be sending the letter for review positively on Monday. Management has informed that they are arranging a joint meeting with MoS(C) office shortly. DoT/BSNL has sought some time to process the proposal again and for conclusive resolution of the pending HR issues. The discussions on HR issues will start from Monday onwards.
30 Apr 17 Congratulations to Pragati Panel for winning the elections with thumping majority of Nashik Telecom Employees Co-operative Credit Society Ltd Nashik. Our Comrades S V Warungaseji, Com S A Bhadaneji and Com Shailesh Dhandeji have been elected as directors. Congratulations and best of luck for their new assignment. Thanks to All our comrades for extensive support during the entire election process and campaign. 29 Apr 17 Superannuation.Com Rajendra Dattatray Ghate (SDE PG) Mobile- entered in dept on worked at Ozar,Satpur,Kalwan,Canda corner, Anandvali, Chandwad and Sanchar Bhavan and Shegaon & Khopoli out of SSA stations. Total service rendered in the dept 37 years.
On behalf of SNEA Nashik we all wish you a very happy and healthy post retirement life. 18 Apr 17 Joint Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations served notice to Secretary, DoT and CMD/BSNL demanding settlement of the following demands by 10th May, 2017 1. Immediate Issuance of Promotion Orders from JTO (T) to SDE (T) under DPC/LDCE quota and issuance of Promotion Orders in all other cadres, in all the wings under both quotas. Extending 30 percent Superannuation Benefit to the BSNL recruited employees along with revision in date of implementation from the beginning. Extending initial basic of Rs.
22820/- to the Executives recruited post. Uniform 1st Time Bound Promotion in Four Years for all Executives. Extending E1A and E2A scales notionally to JTO/SDEs of Civil/Electrical/Arch/TF wings and PA/PS cadres w.e.f.. Scrapping of ongoing DR-DGM recruitment and DR-DGM/MT RRs. Resolution of other long pending HR issues.
17 APR 17 Joint Forum of BSNL Executives’ Associations comprising of SNEA, AIGETOA, BEA, BASE(India), BSNLOA and TSOA served notice to Secretary, DoT and CMD/BSNL Demands: 1. Approval of BSNL recommendation to replacement of non-standard pay scales of E1A and E2A with standard pay scales of E2 and E3 w.e.f as per Union Cabinet decision and DPE orders. Approval of pending HR issues in the BSNL Board. Protest action Program: 1.
25th, 26th and 27th April 2017 – 72 hours relay hunger strike at SSA and Circle Headquarters, Sanchar Bhavan/BSNL Headquarters. 28th April 2017: One day Mass Casual Leave by all Executives of BSNL. 1st May 2017 onwards: Indefinite relay hunger strike at SSA, Circle and BSNL Headquarters and Work According to Rule along with Complete Non-Cooperation till resolution of the issue. The program shall be intensified further from 10th May 2017 onwards through more. 10 Apr 17Comrades, In the final battle to get E2 and E3 pay scales, Dharna on 11th April and the Relay Hunger Strike from 25-28 April, 2017 at BSNL/Circle/SSA HQs followed by intensified programms by all the Associations on a joint notice from 1st May.
****************** SNEA ZINDABAD ****************** 06 Apr 17: Today at 1.00 pm E/A at Makhmalabad exchange gutted in fire. Crypter Cracked Feet there. Immediately concerned staff and SDE D.K.Khairnar informed fire brigade and Hon. Mayor Ranjana Bhanasi Madam. Also the information was passed to DE,DGM office and electrical wing. Due to the immediate action by fire brigade the fire was brought in control by 1.30 pm.
Under the able guidance of Hon GMTD Nasik, immediate necessary actions were taken to overcome the disaster. DE Panchavati Shri Nandurdikar, SDE Panchavati Shri R.S.More, Shri Gahiwade, DGM Shri Vispute and Executive engg. Shri Ingale along with SDE (Elec) Shri Joshi and JTO (Elec) Shri Sangale rushed to Makhmalabad exchange and helped to bring the condition to normal. Alternative arrangements for E/A has been done.
Due to co-operation and immediate response from all the above mentioned officers the other equipments could be timely saved from fire. SNEA Diary presented to newly joined Hon GMT Shri Nitin Mahajanji by SNEA Nashik Team.
Grand farewell function of Hon GMT Shri Sureshbabu Prajapatiji and Warm welcome of Hon GMT Shri Nitin Mahajanji organised by SNEA NASHIK at Hotel Seven Heaven Pathardi Phata Nashik. Function was very well organised by SNEA Nashik Comrades. EPF pension will be revised and it will be based on the actual basic pay instead of minimum pension. It will be equivalent or even better than the Govt pension. Employees from various CPSUs approached various courts especially at Ernakulam demanding full pension on the actual basic pay, courts given judgment in their favour. Hon Ernakulam HC given judgments in favour of the employees of PSUs like Milma, ITI, Instrumentation, HNL, HMT, HIL etc etc.
Hon Supreme Court judgment also was in their favour. Some cases are still pending in Hon SC. As per reports, Hon SC directed the labour ministry to amend the Rule to extend the benefits to all the similarly placed employees. Afterwards labour ministry directed EPF to amend the rules. As per the proposal, if the contribution is made on 12% of actual basic +IDA, the pension will be paid on the basis of actual basic pay. 8.33% of the basic +IDA will be accounted for pension purposes. The employer and employee will be given an option to switchover to full pension option, according to reliable sources.
If pension contribution is limited to 12% of 6500 with ceiling, they will not be eligible for full pension. This will give equal pension for the BSNL directly recruited employees at par with the absorbed employees.
SNEA struggled since 2003 and got EPF contribution modified on from 12% with the ceiling of Rs 6500 to 12% of actual basic pay + IDA (without ceiling limit). All the arrears from 2001 also credited into the employees individual account.
As a result of our struggle, now all the BSNL employees will get the full pension benefits. In the last CWC meeting at Hyderabad, SNEA also decided to file case at Ernakulam for similar benefits.
Feliciation of newly promoted DE to DGM(L/A) Com S S Ghorpade, newly joined (to SNEA Nashik Pariwar) as AO CDR Com Hattewar, Com Khadtale newly joined as JTO Nasik Road. Also Com P B Vispute taken over as DGM (CFA-I and CMTS) during redistribution of work among DGM cadre and Com S R Shardul for special achievement in Accounts wing for Association membership work. Com S S Ghorpade submitted the donation of Rs 5000/- to our beloved Association. Meeting was addressed by DP Com Warungse and DS Com Sangle.
Vote of thanks delivered byDT Com Adawade. Many of the DOBs and Activists were present. GS writes to Secretary, DoT regarding the Payment of Pension contribution for the Employees absorbed in BSNL on actual basic pay instead of maximum of the pay scale. It is to be regulated in accordance to orders of DOP&T OM dated on the basis of recommendations of 6th CPC, thus superseding DOP & T OM dated.
Pension and all issues related to pension for employees absorbed from DOT into BSNL to be strictly regulated in terms of provisions stipulated in 1972 CCS Pension Rules. DoT is forcing BSNL to make excess payment on Pension contribution on implementation of 2nd PRC. 3rd PRC recommended pay scales as good as open ended pay scales by which the Pension contribution will be almost three times. As discussed in the last CWC meeting, a Committee has been formed to deliberate on 30% Superannuation issue.
Com Panduranga B Nayak/Jt Sec (South) will be the Convenor of the Committee and Com Chinmaya Sahoo/AGS, Com Manish Samadhiya/AGS, Com Pankaj Das, CS/JKD and Com Pradeep Kumar, CWC/HR will be the other members. Dear comrades Hon. CGMT MH Circle Shri Piyushji Khare visited Nashik on dated. During the visit, delegation of SNEA Nashik lead by DP Com Warungse, along with VP Com Kothawade, CEC Com Mahajan, Com Bhadane, Com P N Patil, DT Com Jayant Adawade, ADS Com Vyas, Com Shardul, OS Com Chavan, CO-Com Joshi, DGM CFA Visputeji, AGM Admin Koshthiji & Com Thakur met CGMT & given representation regarding development & HR issues of Nashik SSA. Points discussed- Outsourcing of BB Maintenance tender, Shortage of material for LL and FTTH, U/G Cable Route tracer, Drive test tool, Cashless treatment in empanneled hospitals, Posting of JTOs (Phase -I trainees ) in Nashik SSA, etc.
CGM Sir patiently listened to the delegation and assured for positive actions. Comrades its immense pleasure that CGMT Sir has given more than half an hour to our delegation...SNEA Zindabad....... Joint Secretary Vidarbha; Com. Fujinon Erd T22 Manually here. A A Kulkarni, JTO Beed ---->Joint Secretary Marathwada. Tejas Tadsare, JTO Satara ---->Joint Secretary South. CP gave the oath of SNEA to all new Circle office bearers and it was followed by the passing of the resolutions of the CEC. After passing of the resolutions the meeting was adjourned by National Anthem SNEA - GS writes to the Chairperson of the Committee for pay parity of post 2007 recruited executives.
Today is the first death anniversary of our God Father, Mentor, Great Leader Com.W.Seshagiri Rao. We remember him for his great and lifetime achievements for all executives in BSNL. Our sincere tributes to our veteran leader Com.W.Seshagiri Rao Successful conduction of Special Ex Body meeting of SNEA Nasik at TRC Hall Canda Corner.The meeting was presided over by Com R R Mahajan and Com P B Visputeji DGM CFA as a chief guest for the meeting.
At the beginning welcome speech was delivered by S A Bhadane and briefed the house about achievement in recent MV and appreciated the efforts taken by DS and DP along with DOBs team. Then after Com Visputeji and Com Radeji were felicitated for remarkable financial contrubution for the Association.Also Com Koshtiji AGM HR/Admn felicitated for joining the SSA and SNEA Nashik family. Our beloved DS Com M B Sangleji was feliciated by house for achieving thumping majority in MV through restless efforts and arranging meeting atr various locations in the SSA. In the opening remark Com R R Mahajan appreciated the work of District body under able leadership of DS and congratulated all for victory. Our DS Com M B Sangleji in his address congratulated and extended thanks to all for solidarity support during MV. He has elaborated all HR and developement issues in detail in his impressive address and assured the house for resolution of issues of our members in committed manner. Also he has appreciated the work of our esteemed members on all fronts including MV and membership enrollment programs.
The meeting was nicely anchored by Com S A Bhadane.The vote of thanks delievered by Com Jayant Adawade. The house appredciated and congratulated the efforts of Com P N PAtil and Com Varsha Patil Madam SDE CSC Ojhar for achieving special appreciation to CSC Ojhar from CGMT MH. In the second session of meeting the seminar on Mutual funds and SIP was nicely guided by the executives of Geogit BNP Financial services Mr Kulkarni and Executives from SBI MF Mr.
The seminar was organised by our DS Com Sangleji, Com S R Kapadnis and Mr Amit Patil of Geojit Finance Nashik. The meeting was concluded with National Anthem and followed by delicious dinner at the venue. Dear Comrades today we are going to submit membership forms in declaration format to Administration for enrollment of members towards our Association and deduction of membership subscription will start from this month i.e. We have received about 165 forms from SSA; 5 forms from T & D; 6 forms from WTR and 8 forms from WTP. If anybody is still left and willing to submit their forms to SNEA Nashik may be enrolled in consultation with DS/DP only. Thanks to all DOBs and activist of SNEA Nashik to complete the membership program successful even more than expected level. Now MV and membership enrollment process is over and will focus on members issues and BSNL developement issues only.
Once again thanks to all stallwarts for extending overwhelming response and solidarity support during the process and achieve our goal for Recognition status to SNEA with thumping majority. We are committed to resolve the geniune issues of our members as usual in the SSA and will continue with same zeal in future also.This is new beginning and now our responsibility is squarely increased. Let's strive for betterment of Executive fraternity and our organisation BSNL in coming days.
Always keep in mind ' We have miles to go ahead'--------------With warm regards --------DS / DP. Even though old one submitted ),as uploaded by CHQ... DS/DP SNEA Nashik. 21 DEC 16 GS and CHQ President held discussions with GM(Estt) on sending revised proposal to DoT for replacing E1A and E2A by E2 and E3 alone. GS, CHQ President and Jt Secretary continued the discussion on CPSU Hierarchy today with GM(Pers) and Jt GM(Pers) for more than two hours. Our demand to implement CPSU Hierarchy w.e.f is under active consideration. Discussions will continue.
It is mutually agreed to complete the discussions latest by 15th January, 2017 20 DEC 16 Thanks and Congratulations to all Dear Comrades of SNE Nashik for supporting to our mighty Association. We have got thumping majority in Nashik as well as in MH circle. We have emerge out No 1 in INDIA and got recognition status. Thanks to CHQ, Circle leaders and stallwarts of Nashik for making it successfull mega event in BSNL.
We are commited as usual to serve our esteemed members. Thanks And Regards DS / DP NASHIK >>>>>>15 DEC 16 Dear Comrades please find attached h/w the SNEA membership form with new logo with corrections. Please get its copies printed in ample and get all forms filled in from all our members. 14 DEC 16 STRIKE:-- JOINT ACTION COMMITTEE appeal to all members to be on strike on Thursday. All members are requested not to attend the office and follow the guidelines issued by JAC about the strike.
Its our responsibility to make the strike call 100% successful. Only main activists are requested to be attentive and conduct the strike in peaceful manner.
Duty for one day strike:-- 1) Sanchar Bhavan:-- Com G N Wagh; Com D N Godse; Com M L Kothawade; Com G M Tiwade; Com P M Salve; Com Dhamne; Com Behere Madam; Com R R Mahajan; Com Anna Kasare. 2) Canada Corner:-- Com S A Bhadane; Com P D Bagde; Com L M Shinde; Com P N Patil; Com B Dhikale; Com R Tidme; Com Aware; Com Charvekar J D; Com Abhay Deore; Com C D Badgujar; Com D R Kamod. 3) N D Patel Road:-- Com M B Sangle; Com S A Chavan; Com R V Wani; Com Gavit; Com S R Mulay; Com Gangurde S R. 4) Cidco:-- Com S V Warungse; Com D B Mahajan; Com R S Shinde; Com D R Aher; Com Joshi; Com D R Patil. 5) Nasik Road:-- Com M S Gunjal; Com R P Sonawane; Com U V Vyas; Com Rajendra Kadam; Com Devesh Singh.
6) Satpur:-- Com R P Patil; Com S G Dhande; Com Rajiv Jadhav; Com Shinde. 7) Panchavati:-- Com R S More; Com H V Bhoye; Com Palshikar 8) CTO:-- Com Jayant Adawade; Com S P Nikam; Com Marathe. 9) Rural Exchange:-- All Exchange Incharge. 13 DEC 16 Dear Comrades we congratulate to all our SNEA members for the strong support during M.V.
Now 'membership verification' is over and we have to start for 'verification of members' by filling new form from each of the member and the same will be submitted to AO Salary after issue of recognition order from C.O. Hence please note the following points. 1) Recognition order as a Majority Representative Association for SNEA has been issued by CO ND. 2) Deduction of membership subscription from the Salary will start from January 2017.
3) The new membership form will be circulated shortly. 4) All are requested to submit your membership form in a fresh format from existing as well as new joining members. Now SNEA is the only Majority Recognised Association of Executives in BSNL and our Association having responsibility to resolve all pending HR issues and strive for betterment of Executives and our beloved organisation BSNL. DS/DP SNEA Nashik. 10 DEC 16 Result of M.V. 07 DEC 16 Dear Comrades we are very much thankful to all members for casting your valuable vote to our mighty Association. Definitely your vote will yield desired result and SNEA will emerge out number one in M.V.
Thanks to all Nashik comrades. DS/DP/DOBs of SNEA Nashik H ighly Successful Special General meeting of SNEA Nashik: The Grand and highly successful Special General meeting of SNEA Nashik was held on 05th DEC 2016 Monday and it was conducted in the well decorative manner at TRC Hall, Sanchar Parisar Canada Corner Nashik. The very purpose of this meeting for canvassing and campaigning for first executive M.V.
Moreover it was a conclusive M.V. Campaign meeting of SNEA MH at Nasik.
The meeting was guided by Deputy General Secretary CHQ Com. Kalmegh CP MH Circle, Com. Kokate CS SNEA MH Circle and Com. Sangale DS Nashik and other circle office bearers and District Office bearers under the president ship of Com. S.V Warungase DP Nashik The following distinguish dignitaries were present & addressed the house- Com. Adsul Dy GS SNEA CHQ, Com.
Kalmegh CP MH Circle, Com. Kokate CS SNEA MH Circle, Com. CP SNEA MH Circle and NCOA Executive member, Com. Charvekar, CWC Member SNEA MH Circle, Com. Amit Kulkarni, CWC Member SNEA MH Circle, Com. Patil, Joint Secy.
North SNEA MH Circle, Com. Warungase, DP SNEA Nashik, Com.
Sangale, DS SNEA Nashik. Wagh, District Secratary, BSNLEU, Nashik. Godase, District Secretary, NFTE, Nashik Com.
Gangurde, District Secretary, SNATTA, Nashik. Bhadane, CEC Member Nashik Com. Patil, CEC Member Nashik.
Mahajan,CEC Member Nashik The Special General meeting of SNEA Nashik was commenced sharply at 17:00 HRS. In the beginning after formation of dais, the beautiful & well decorated “DeepPrajwalan” took place with the auspicious hands of Chief guest & leaders of SNEA. Then two minutes silence was observed in the memories of departed souls. The comrades of SNEA Nashik welcomed & felicitated the Chief Guest, other dignitaries, District Office bearers,Ex District President Nashik, DS of sister concern unions with flower bouquets. After felicitation programme, the Special General meeting of SNEA Nashik started with welcome speech by Com. Bhadane, CEC SNEA Nashik.
Sangale, DS Nashik in his speech appreciated and congratulated District body for taking sincere efforts for M.V. Campaign throughout SSA since last two months along with their day to day activities. Also He has appreciated Circle body for conducting various meeting in every SSA for M.V. Campaigning in MH circle. He has briefed about the prominent issues which are identified by SNEA CHQ and under strong persuasion with BSNL management and DOT for its resolutions. The issues mainly: finalization of standard pay scale, 30% SAB for BSNL recruited executives, CPSU cadre hierarchy, LDCEians seniority issues, etc.
Were highlighted in his speech. He was confident that the SNEA will emerged out Number one Association after M.V.
And in NASIK we will get thumping majority with more than 75% votes. At the conclusion he appealed to all the members to “ VOTE TO SNEA FOR BETTER FUTURE OF EXECUTIVE AND BSNL'.
Bhad, Ex.Circle President SNEA MH Circle and NCOA executive member in his speech appreciated M.V. Campaign carried out by Nasik SSA. He also appreciated efforts taken by circle body under the guidance of Dy G.S., CP and CS for first executives M.V. He explained all the important HR and development issues. In his address he stressed upon the important role of NCOA for resolving the issues of employees working in various PSU’s in INDIA.
Amit Kulkarni CWC Member in his speech explain that, M.V. Is first step towards eliminating multiplicity of association in BSNL and explained the important role of SNEA in conduction of JTO LDCE and timely Phase-1 trainings. He also appealed to all DR / BR executive of NASIK SSA to cast their precious vote in favour of SNEA. Kokate, CS SNEA MH Circle while explaining about the hectic tour up till now and appreciated DS SNEA Nasik and his team for arranging meeting with full participation of all comrades.
While updating about very systematic approach of the SNEA MH, he informed how all members are always kept up to date through emails and whatsapp groups. He recalled the history of association and achievements of SNEA at MH circle as well as at Central Headquarters.
He appealed the house to elect the SNEA with thumping majority stating that he has no doubt in his mind of getting 35% but insisted to do the groundwork for getting more than 80% so that all issues will be resolved very quickly. He also told the house that SNEA not only working for HR issue but also for development issue for betterment of BSNL. He explained how the tough stand taken by SNEA MH circle about injustice inflected on GADCHIROLI members and finally ended with fruitful results. Kalmegh, Circle President SNEA MH Circle, in his address appreciated the efforts of SNEA Nasik for arranging meeting nicely. He addressed gathering about the different initiatives taken by SNEA MH for resolution of HR and Development issues. He pointed out the serial No.
9 of SNEA in the ballot paper said “9 is always fine”. While updating the house why the single verified, representative association is needed, he said, SNEA is the single association taking proper care of every issue with very deep study and meetings at all possible levels including DoT, DPE and BSNL Board. Concluding his speech, he appealed to vote for SNEA at serial number 9.
Adasul, DyGS SNEA CHQ in his speech updated the house about the preparations of association to face the very first Executive Membership Verification and given confidence about full majority. He updated house about the reasons of intentional delay observed by the BSNL management in verification process and special favours given to other association to become applicant in the M.V. He added such executive associations which do not have proper vision & minimum required experience to fight for right of executives, cannot give proper solutions to all the pending HR issues.
He narrated efforts taken by SNEA for growth of BSNL as well as resolution HR issues of the executives. Updated house that SNEA has always kept its interests for a larger scale of executives and at the same time it has taken efforts to satisfy the basic needs of the individual members.
He reminded the achievements of the association in the past at MH circle and added how starting from a service GSM SIM card to CUG, then from CUG to Handset and now 3G is being offered to the executives of MH Circle. He appealed to vote for the sake of all executives of BSNL and clarified the importance to have a single majority association in BSNL.
He explained the need of the hour to get thumping majority to our association to overcome the issue of multiplicity of association which is ultimately supporting to management. He added that SNEA has given a lot to the executives in BSNL and now its turn of executives to reciprocate by giving valuable vote to SNEA for betterment of executives and of BSNL. He elaborated the LDCEians issues in detail and cleared the stand of SNEA as per CWC kolkata decision. He also updated house about the efforts taken by SNEA for executives in Civil/Electrical wing and elaborated about future steps of SNEA.
He concluded his address with thanks to all comrades for their love and affection towards him & appeal to all for vote to SNEA. Meeting was nicely anchored by Com S.A. Bhadane CEC Member and Live coverage and photos taken by Com Shailesh Dhande. Warungase,DP extended vote of thanks to all comrades and then meeting concluded with National Anthem & slogans of unity.
Vote for SNEA, vote for Equal Pay. Stronger Unity of Younger’s, will give better results for younger. Vote for majority Association, Vote for SNEA.
PHOTOS 03 DEC 16 Dear Comrades Special meeting of SNEA Nashik has been scheduled on Monday 5/12/2016 at 16.00 hours at TRC Hall,Canada Corner, Nashik. The meeting will be presided over by Com S V Warungase (D.P.) The CHQ/Circle leaders Com M S Adsul (Dy GS), Com S R Kalmegh (C.P.), Com V B Kokate(C.S.), Com Charvekar (CWC member), Com Amit Kulkarni (CWC member) and Com M B Sangale (D.S.) will address the special meeting for membership verification. Hence all members are requested to attend the meeting well in time as per schedule. Also it is requested to Group leaders to mobilize the members and make the meeting a grand success. ***** SNEA Zindabad. ***** STRENGTHEN SNEA. STRENGTHEN BSNL.
********* VOTE FOR 9 SNEA IS MINE *********** 01 DEC 16 Most Probably the special meeting for M.V. Will be organised on 5 th December 2016 in the afternoon session @ TRC Hall Canada Corner.Please mobilise our members so as to make great sucess. 29 NOV 16 Superannuation.Com S HRIRAM MARUTI DHULE (JTO) Mobile- and Com.
RAVINDRA NARAYANRAO INGLE (JTO) Mobile no -. On behalf of SNEA Nashik we all wish you a very happy and healthy post retirement life. 29 NOV 16 ************Things to remember for 1st Membership on 7/12/2016. *********** 1) Cast your Vote. Bring Valid BSNL ID card. If not having please contact SDE staff (Shri Kangane RR SDE Staff) to get it issued well in time. Don't be on any kind of leave on 7/12/2016.
4) In ballot paper SNEA is on S.No. Put your vote on Sr. 5) Don't vote for more than one numbers, if done so vote will be invalid. 6) Intimate your friends and colleagues and inspire them to vote for SNEA.
BE UNITED BE STRONG. 29 NOV 16 Dear Comrades we have completed campaigning at Nashik Road,Panchavati,CTTC and Satpur. Everywhere we have experienced overvhelming response from all of the members hence we are confident for our thumping majority in the forthcoming MV. Thanks to all DOBs and members for making our campaign very successful in all respect. We are committed to serve for our esteemed members with same zeal in Nashik District particularly in MH circle. We will work as usual for the larger interest of organisation and members through the wider platform of SNEA.
Salute to stallwarts of SNEA Nashik who always strongly supported to DS/DP and DOBs. Now comrades we are at the door step of Victory hence all are requested to speall with all the group members in your juridictin as per allotment of work. Our DS, DP Com Warungase, VP Com M L Kothawade, CEC members Com S A Bhadane, Com P N Patil, Com R R Mahajan, OSs Com S A Chavan, Com Ulhas Morankar, Com Santosh Devadiga, ADSs Com S R Shardul, Com A S Patil,Com S A Salunke, Com D B Mahajan, Com Versha GaikwadCom D R Kamod, DT Com Jayant Adawade, ASs Com R S More,Com Umesh Vyas, Auditor and Circle Coordinator Com L P Joshi were aactively participated during MV campaign in the SSA.
Today's meeting at CTTC organized by Com P T Dawande, Com Shailesh Dhande, Com K D Gangurde And attended by Com Prashant Pathak, Com P P Shingote,Com Kanta Mandlik, Com Deepanjali Kulthe, Com H S Aherrao and aaddressed by DS, DP and CEC member Com R R Mahajan.Then after we met our Comrades at Cidco and discussed with them about MV process etc. Our members Com C R Kadam, Com D R Aher, Com S S Kulkarni, Com R R Borhade,Com D B Mahajan, Com Vijay Jadhav, Com Abhay Deore have participated in the discussion. DS/DP SNEA Nashik. ************Strengthen SNEA strengthen BSNL. **************************Vote for Sr No 9.
One Day Dharna on against formation of Subsidiary Tower Company. Successful dharna program at Sanchar Bhavan on as per the call given by UF. Thanks to All SNEA Members for participation.
22 NOV 16 Dear All Office Bearers and members of SNEA Nashik yesterday's campaigning at Canada Corner premises and today's campaigning at Sanchar Bhavan in view of forthcoming membership Verification is very successful and very impressive due to massive participation of our members. We have visited all sections situated im campus and interacted with all members. Please gear up our campaign as per the responsibilities given to group members. You are requested to contact each member of the juridiction and give feedback to DS/DP and other DOBs for assessment. Dear Comrades let's understand each and every issue to the depth and remember the tireless efforts of SNEA for carrier upliftment of executive fraternity since time of JETA/JTOA/TEOA. Let's strive for the best CPSU cadre hierarchy; 3rd PRC; Standard Pay Scales; 30% Superannuation benifits to BSNL Recruites; Persuation of CWC Kolkata decision for LDCE members etc. ########## STRENGTHEN SNEA.
STRENGTHEN BSNL ############# 19 NOV 16 Dear Comrades,Yesterday our SNEA team comprising of D.