Jenway 6100 Spectrophotometer Manuals


Jenway 6100 Spectrophotometer Manuals

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A method of tracing an aqueous liquid, particularly an aqueous urea used for addition to a selective catalytic reduction system to remove NOx from diesel exhaust includes adding a tracer comprising a pre-determined amount of a phenol to the liquid. The liquid can subsequently be identified by reacting a sample with a reagent containing a predetermined amount of 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of an initiating compound such that the reaction between the reagent and a phenol in the liquid produces a chromophore and measuring the absorbance of the resulting solution of the chromophore. Heavy-duty diesel engines which are used largely in commercial vehicles are subject to increasing regulation of emission levels. It is therefore important to provide such engines with measures to reduce harmful emissions, especially particulates, and nitrogen oxides (NO x). Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is a technology which has been introduced to reduce emissions of NOx by reducing the NOx to nitrogen. Ammonia-SCR systems react ammonia (NH 3) with the NOx to form nitrogen (N 2) and water (H 2O). There are three reaction pathways: •.

Results 1 - 18 of 18. THIS IS A JENWAY 6100 SPECTROPHOTOMETER UNIT POWERS UP CAME OUT OF A WORKING ENVIRONMENT. Brand: Jenway. Sensor, Manual. For ease of maintenance each membrane module is threaded to ensure fast, efficient replacement is possible. From Korea, South.

Jenway 6100 Spectrophotometer Manuals

A concern with the introduction of such an additive is the control and monitoring of the use of suitable quality product which conforms to the accepted regulatory standard. With the introduction of mandatory emission control measures in many countries, the use of SCR technology will become regulated and therefore liable to inspection. Dilution of conforming Adblue or the use of Adblue from a non-conforming source should be capable of being monitored by the transport authorities' inspectors in order to ensure that vehicle emissions of NOx using SCR technology are suitably controlled.

It is an object of the present invention to provide a tagging system for urea solutions for use in SCR systems and to provide a method of tagging urea and determining the source of a urea solution. A) mixing an aqueous liquid with a tracer composition comprising at least one phenol to form a tagged aqueous liquid, and b) analysing a sample of said tagged aqueous liquid by reacting said sample with a reagent containing a pre-determined amount of 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of an initiating compound such that the reaction between the reagent and a phenol in the liquid produces a chromophore and c) measuring the absorbance of light of the resulting solution of the chromophore to determine the concentration of said tracer compound. In the comparison method, it is not necessary to determine the absorbance of light of the resulting solution of the chromophore prepared from the reference sample each time a target sample is analysed. It may be convenient to compare the light absorbance from a solution prepared from the target sample with a pre-determined absorbance measurement from a standard reference sample.

This absorbance measurement may be programmed into a measurement instrument which is adapted to facilitate the comparison of a target sample with a standard reference. In steps b) and c) of the comparison method it is optionally provided that the concentration of the tracer compound in the target and/or reference sample is calculated from the absorbance measurement, usually by comparison with a calibration of the absorbance using known standard concentrations of the tracer compound. It is not necessary for the calculation of the concentration of tracer compound to be performed if the comparison method is performed in order to determine whether the target sample contains the tracer compound at a concentration similar or identical to the tracer concentration in the reference compound.

According to a further aspect of the invention, a method of tracing an aqueous liquid comprises adding to said liquid a tracer comprising a pre-determined amount of a phenol, subsequently sampling said liquid, reacting said sample with a reagent containing a pre-determined amount of 4-aminoantipyrine in the presence of an initiating compound such that the reaction between the reagent and a phenol in the liquid produces a chromophore and measuring the absorbance of the resulting solution of the chromophore. By tracing a liquid we mean providing the liquid with an identifying tracer and then subsequently analysing a sample of the liquid (the target sample) to identify the tracer, compare the concentration of tracer to that of a reference sample and thus determine whether the liquid sampled is substantially the same as the liquid to which the tracer was added.

Normally the tracer is added to the liquid during its manufacture. When the liquid is for distribution and it is required to be traced through the distribution channels, the tracer is added prior to distribution. When the liquid is AdBlue, the tracer is preferably added prior to the distribution of the liquid by the manufacturer to wholesale and retail outlets, e.g. Fuel suppliers and forecourts. The tracer may be a liquid or a solid but it must be soluble in or miscible with the aqueous liquid.

The tracer is a phenol, i.e. Phenol or a substituted phenol. Suitable substituted phenols include alkyl phenols e.g. 2-methyl phenol, 2-ethylphenol, alkoxy phenols e.g. 3-ethoxy phenol; hydroxy-phenols, e.g.

Catechols, hydroquinone. It is preferred that the phenol is not para-substituted with an alkyl, aryl, nitro, benzoyl, nitroso or aldehyde group.

The concentration of the phenol in the aqueous liquid is preferably in the range from 0.1-20 ppm w/v. The amount of tracer in a sample of the aqueous liquid is preferably determined by a spectrophotometric method involving the coupling reaction between the phenol and 4-aminoantipyrine. Alternative methods may be used, such as the coupling of the phenol with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazole hydrazone, which is a known analytical method for the determination of phenol in water. The coupling of phenols with 4-aminoantipyrine to form a chromophore is a well-known analytical method to measure the amount of phenols in wastewater or for use in enzymatic methods for analysis of body fluids, e.g. The determination of cholesterol in blood. The method of such analysis is therefore well known to the skilled person.

A description of such methods is found in Lupetti et al, Talanta 62 (2004) 463-467; ASTM D1783 Test method B; APHA Standard Method 5530D and EPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes, Method 420.2. The coupling of phenols with 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AAP) to form a chromophore takes place in alkaline solution in the presence of an initiator. The coupling reaction requires one mole of 4-AAP per mole of phenol.

The 4-aminoantipyrine solution is normally aqueous and may contain from about 0.5 to about 30 g per litre, more preferably from about 1-20 g per litre. The amount of 4-aminoantipyrine used should be sufficient to couple all of the phenol in the sample and is preferably present in sufficient amount to provide an excess of 4-AAP e.g. At least 1.5 moles of 4-AAP per mole of phenol, e.g. From about 2 to about 5 moles of 4-AAP per mole of phenol. Since the amount of phenol expected to be present in the sample is known (because the amount of tracer added to the aqueous liquid is known) it is possible to calculate the required amount and concentration of 4-AAP reagent to be used.

The pH is preferably in the range from 9.8 to 10.2. The initiating compound is used at a concentration sufficient to initiate the coupling of the 4-aminoantipyrine with a phenol to form a chromophore. The initiating compound may be potassium ferricyanide. Normally from about 1 mole to at least 2 moles of potassium ferricyanide are provided per mole of 4-aminoantipyrine. Bible Show 4. The concentration of potassium ferricyanide in the coupling solution is preferably in the range from about 0.05% to about 2%, typically about 0.1% w/v.

We have found that the presence of free ammonia at a concentration greater than about 100 ppm in the sample may give rise to problems with the analysis if potassium ferricyanide is used as the initiator. In such cases, or where the presence of ammonia is likely, an alternative initiator, which preferably comprises a persulphate, especially sodium persulphate, may be used. The persulphate should be present in the solution at a sufficient concentration to oxidise the 4-AAP reagent, and this is preferably an amount sufficient to provide a concentration in the range from about 0.5% to about 10%, typically about 1% w/v. The initiator may conveniently be added to the sample of aqueous liquid in the form of a pre-weighed solid unit such as a pill or tablet or in a powdered form of the initiator compound, preferably in a pre-measured dose in a container, sachet or ampoule. In a particularly preferred form, the initiator is provided either in powdered form or in the form of compressed tablets in a dispenser-container which is adapted to dispense a pre-determined amount of the initiator when the dispenser is actuated.

It should be noted that, provided the amount of initiator is at least sufficient, it is not critical that a precise amount is dispensed. As an alternative, the initiator may be provided within or disposed on a portion of an ampoule containing the 4-AAP reagent. This arrangement is found on commercial analysis kits. The chromophore exhibits strong absorbance of light in the region 500-510 nm. The absorbance is proportional to the concentration of the chromophore in the solution, according to the Beer-Lambert law and the absorbance is therefore proportional to the concentration of phenol in the sample.

Changes in the absorbance of the solution at a specified wavelength in the range from 500 to 510 nm from that exhibited by the aqueous liquid when the tracer compound had been added indicate that the liquid sample has been diluted or otherwise changed from its original composition. The presence of the chromophore and its concentration is preferably measured using a calorimeter or spectrophotometer. In a preferred embodiment of the method of the invention, the calorimeter or spectrophotometer is a portable, preferably hand-held instrument, i.e. Capable of being held and operated in the hand of the user. To facilitate the measurement using a small instrument, in this embodiment, the absorbance of the sample in the region 500-510 nm is preferably measured at one or more pre-determined wavelengths within this range rather than measuring a broad spectrum of transmitted light.

The preferred photometer instrument preferably comprises a sample chamber for holding the sample during a photometric measurement, means for irradiating a sample in the sample chamber with light of a pre-determined wavelength in the region from 500-510 nm, means for detecting the transmission of light at said wavelength which has passed from the irradiating means through the sample chamber and means for determining the absorbance of said light by the sample and display means for indicating said absorbance or a value calculated from said absorbance. The hand-held instrument is preferably pre-calibrated, i.e. Programmed with one or more calibration curves relevant to the detection of the chromophore formed by coupling the phenol tracer with 4-aminoantipyrine. The calibration may be made using the particular phenol to be used in the tracer or it may be made using a different phenol. If made using a different phenol then the analysis result may be adjusted by a factor which accounts for the difference between the response of the method using the calibration phenol and that using the tracer phenol. It has been found that the calibration of the instrument may vary according to the temperature at which the absorbance is measured. Therefore, it is beneficial for the instrument to be capable of using a calibration which is suitable for use at the temperature of the sample.

The hand-held instrument is preferably provided with means to monitor the temperature of the sample being analysed. This may be by means of a probe or temperature-reactive chemical for example.

The instrument may be provided with means for a user to input the temperature of the sample directly. Alternatively the instrument may provide a facility for the user to select the calibration curve which is to be used.

More preferably, the instrument is capable of applying the appropriate calibration depending on the temperature as measured by the instrument or as input by the user. The hand-held instrument is preferably provided with software and a user interface which is adapted to provide a direct reading of the concentration of phenol calculated from the absorbance of the chromophore. The absorbance exhibited by a chromophore formed by the coupling of a substituted phenol is normally less than that of the chromophore formed by phenol itself.

The result from such substituted phenols may be expressed as “phenol equivalents”, i.e. Showing the concentration of phenol which would give rise to the equivalent absorbance at similar wavelengths. More preferably, the user interface provides a direct reading of the difference between the concentration of phenol in the measured sample and the concentration of phenol in a standard sample so that the user is alerted to a difference in the aqueous liquid from the standard. Using this preferred embodiment, the liquid may be analysed for the presence and concentration of the tracer phenol at the point of sampling by personnel who are not trained analysts. The output information may be shown on a display and/or printed, e.g.

Using an integral printer. The calorimeter or photometer (the instrument) is preferably provided with a user interface which allows the input of a sample identifier. The instrument preferably includes a clock function to record the date and time of analysis. The display may comprise a conventional visible indication such as a light, display screen or printout.

Additionally or alternatively an audible signal may be used. As a further addition or alternative, the system may comprise a data transmission means whereby the results for a particular sample are transmitted, e.g. By known telephone or radio transmission means to a remote location together with supporting information such as the time and location of the sampling and analysis, sample identifier etc. Such transmission may optionally be automatically carried out when a comparison is made. The 4-aminoantipyrine reagent, containing a suitable solvent, buffer solution etc is preferably provided in a pre-determined quantity within a sealed container, the quantity being sufficient to perform a single test. The sealed container may be an ampoule, test-tube or bottle, but is preferably a self-filling ampoule, containing the reagent and which, in operation, may be filled with a pre-determined amount of the liquid to be sampled. The preferred ampoules containing the reagent include an evacuated space and a breakable tip portion.

When the tip is immersed in the liquid to be sampled and broken, a quantity of liquid is drawn into the ampoule and mixed with the reagent. Such ampoules are described in U.S. 3,634,038, for example and are commercially supplied as Vacu-vials®.

Suitable ampoules containing the 4-aminoantipyrine reagent are commercially available for the analysis of phenols and are suitable for use in the method of the present invention. A specific form of one such ampoule incorporates a pre-determined amount of the initiator compound on the external surface of the tip of the ampoule so that it is readily mixed into the sample before the sample is mixed with the 4-AAP reagent in the ampoule.

The additional tracer compound may comprise a dye which is detectable by visible or by spectroscopic analysis. Preferred dyes are not visible to the eye but are detectable only by spectroscopic means. Preferably the dye is a fluorescent dye which is detectable by fluorimetry/fluorescence spectroscopy. Most preferably the selected dye fluoresces at a peak wavelength which is distinguishable from the fluorescence of the natural components of the aqueous liquid, when irradiated with light at a wavelength capable of exciting fluorescence in the dye. Suitable dyes are known in the art of tracers and include xanthenes, phthalocyanines, naphthalocyanines, nickel-dithiolane complexes, cyanines, porphyrins, 16,17-dialkoxyviolanthrones, alkylated dibenzanthrone, anthraquinones and squarines, rhodamines and oxazines, amongst others. Alternative additional tracer compounds may, for example comprise a halogenated organic compound, or other compound which is not a natural or usual component of the aqueous urea product to which the marker composition is to be added.

Suitable halogenated compounds include halogenated aliphatic or aromatic compounds, such as bromoethanol, iodopropanol, 3-bromobenzoic acid, 4-fluorobenzoic acid, 2-bromobenzylamine, 2-bromo-4-chloroaniline, perfluorohetanoic acid, 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctanoyl, perfluorotri-n-butylamine and/or fluoroamine. Non-halogenated marker compounds may comprise, for example, one or more of the following:— butan-2-ol, propanone, 1,3-propanediol, aminophenol, aminophenone, aminobenzoic acid, pyridine or pyrimidine or phosphorus-containing compounds such as an alkyl or aryl phosphate, e.g. Triethyl phosphate. When the tracer composition comprises more than one tracer compound and/or additional tracer compound, the ratio of each tracer compound to each other tracer compound in the tracer composition may be selected to be a unique identifier for each aqueous liquid or source of aqueous liquid to be tagged. Thus by selection of the nature and concentration of each tracer compound in a tracer composition, the aqueous liquid, when tagged may bear a unique “fingerprint” which may be used to identify product in a way which is difficult for a non-authorised person to replicate.

One particular use for the combination of tracers is for the identification of particular batches of the aqueous liquid, e.g. For verification of the date of manufacture to ensure that the product is sold within the shelf-life of the aqueous liquid. The additional tracer compound may be analysed by any suitable method. It is not necessary for the additional tracer to be identified “in the field” since it is used to confirm the analysis of the phenol tracer in case a discrepancy from the expected result is found or tampering is suspected.

Thus the additional tracer may be detectable using spectroscopic methodology, e.g. Infra-red spectroscopy, fluorimetry, mass spectrometry, NMR spectroscopy, chromatography, e.g. Gas-chromatography, optionally coupled with a suitable detector or by comparison with standard chromatograms. The tracer composition may optionally contain, in addition to the tracer compound (or more than one tracer compound), one or more other components such as a diluent, a solvent, a dye, a dispersant, or a surfactant. The identity and amount of the components of the tracer composition is normally confidential to the source producer of the product. The tracer composition is preferably a liquid but may also be provided in solid form if it is capable of being dissolved in the aqueous liquid without difficulty. If provided in solid form then additives may be present to enhance and facilitate the dissolution of the tracer composition in the aqueous liquid.

The method and system of the invention are particularly useful for marking, identifying and tracing aqueous liquids through the supply chain from source to consumer. Thus the method and system of the invention may be used to identify a genuine product when there is a risk of adulteration or of substitution with a similar product. Thus aqueous liquids in which the tracer composition may be used include aqueous urea solutions, aqueous process streams, consumer products such as cleaning products etc.

The method and system of the invention is particularly suitable for tagging and identifying genuine AdBlue urea solution for use in heavy duty and lighter diesel engine SCR apparatus. The marking of an aqueous liquid may, alternatively, be used to trace the source of a spillage or for process monitoring applications. 0.1 grams of phenol was accurately weighed and diluted with 100 grams of water to produce a stock solution of a tracer composition. 1 ml of the tracer composition solution is added to 100 ml of a 32.5% w/v aqueous urea solution, to produce a 10 ppm w/v phenol tracer/urea solution.

Analysis of this sample was performed using a Jenway 6100 Spectrophotometer set to analyse at a wavelength of 505 nm. An initial manual calibration of the instrument was performed using seven standards within the concentration range of 0 to 15 ppm w/v at 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 & 15. All standards were produced from the 0.1% w/v stock solution of phenol material. The technique for the formation of the colour complex to be determined is described below. Approximately 25 ml sample of each phenol tracer/urea solution was placed into a glass vial containing approximately 0.03 grams of Potassium Ferricyanide.

In a separate glass vial a 2 ml aliquot of 0.005M 4-aminoantipyrine was discharged. 4.5 ml of the phenol solution from the first vial was then transferred into the vial containing 4-aminoantipyrine. The resulting red coloured solution, a consequence of an oxidative coupling reaction, was added to a suitable cuvette for photometric analysis. A calibration plot of absorbance vs concentration was drawn and it was hence possible to determine the concentration of the initial 10 ppm w/v phenol tracer/urea solution. 10 grams of triethyl phosphate was accurately weighed and diluted with 100 ml of ethanol to produce a stock solution of secondary tracer composition. 2 ml of the tracer composition solution is added to 1000 ml of a 32.5% w/v aqueous urea solution, to produce a 200 ppb w/v secondary tracer/urea solution.

The sample was pre-concentrated on an Isolute™ ENV + SPE column and eluted using acetone. Analysis of this sample was performed by gas chromatography (Agilent 6890) coupled with a Mass Selective Detector (Agilent 5973) set up for chemical ionisation of the target molecule. 0.1 grams of phenol was accurately weighed and diluted with 100 grams of water to produce a stock solution of a tracer composition.

1 ml of the tracer composition solution is added to 100 ml of a 32.5% w/v aqueous urea solution, to produce a 10 ppm w/v phenol tracer/urea solution. Analysis of this sample was performed using a Jenway 6100 Spectrophotometer set to analyse at a wavelength of 505 nm. An initial manual calibration of the instrument was performed using seven standards within the concentration range of 0 to 15 ppm w/v at 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 & 15. All standards were produced from the 0.1% w/v stock solution of phenol material. The technique for the formation of the colour complex to be determined is described below. Approximately 25 ml sample of each phenol tracer/urea solution was placed into a glass vial containing approximately 0.25 grams of sodium persulphate.

In a separate glass vial a 2 ml aliquot of 0.005M 4-aminoantipyrine was discharged. 4.5 ml of the phenol solution from the first vial was then transferred into the vial containing 4-aminoantipyrine. The resulting red coloured solution, a consequence of an oxidative coupling reaction, was added to a suitable cuvette for photometric analysis.

A calibration plot of absorbance vs concentration was drawn and it was hence possible to determine the concentration of the initial 10 ppm w/v phenol tracer/urea solution.

• Section 3 System Description Section 4 Optical Description Section 5 Electronic Description Section 6 Software and Operation Section 7 Diagnostics Section 8 Maintenance Section 9 Circuit Diagrams Section 10 Assembly Diagrams Section 11 Spare Parts List Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 1 Introduction 1.0 Index to Sections 1.1 About This Manual 1.2 Using This Manual 1.3 Warnings & Safe Practice 1.4 Standards & Certification 1.5 Ordering Spares 1.6 Returning Items 1.7 Contacting Jenway Limited Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Main Sub-Assemblies Power Supply Voltages Signal Levels Error Codes Special Key Functions Test Solutions Section 3 - System Description Background Sub-Assemblies Accessories Outputs Section 4 - Optical Description Light source Grating Shutter and Filter Signal Detector Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 7 – Diagnostics Diagnostics Mode Shutter and Filter Control Lamp Control Zero Order Calibration.

Section 8 – Maintenance Routine Maintenance Dismantling Optical Alignment Energy Levels Wavelength Calibration A to D Calibration D to A Calibration Performance Verification Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Microprocessor PCB Schematic 630 013 Microprocessor PCB Layout 630 013 Section 10 - Assembly Diagrams 10.1 6300 Final Assembly 630 503 10.2 6300 Lower Case Assembly 630 510 10.3 6300 Top Case Assembly 630 010 10.4 6300 Optics Assembly 630 508 10.5 6300 Rear Panel Assembly 630 012 Section 11 –. • This manual covers the service, maintenance, calibration and repair of the Jenway Ltd model 6300 Spectrophotometer.

(From serial number 5000 upwards, for lower numbers please refer to 6300 Mk1 Manual) This manual must be used in conjunction with the Instruction. • 1.5 Ordering Spares When ordering spare parts as detailed in this manual please quote the Part Number and Description. These items should be ordered from the original supplier of the equipment or your local Jenway Limited Distributor. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Jenway Limited Distributor.

1.7 Contacting Jenway Limited Before contacting Jenway Limited please check our web pages for any information or updates that may be helpful to you. Emails should be sent to • Section 2 Quick Reference 2.0 About ‘Quick Reference’ 2.1 Specification 2.2 Main Sub-Assemblies 2.3 Power Supply Voltages 2.4 Signal Levels 2.5 Error Codes 2.6 Special Key Functions 2.7 Test Solutions Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Better than 1% per Hour (after warm up) Readout Custom LCD Outputs Analogue (0 to 1999mV) & RS232 Serial Supply Voltages 115/230 V a.c.

Power Less than 50W Dimensions 365 (w) x 272 (d) x 160 (h) mm Weight Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Tungsten Halogen lamp 032 005 12V Solenoid 630 516 IR Filter 630 012 Rear Panel Assembly – includes the following 016 021 2A Fuse 20 x 5mm 017 050 Mains Switch 009 123 Mains Input Socket Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • PCB, measure between pins 2 (positive) and 15 (0V) on IC101 on the Display PCB. -10V dc generated on the RS232 Interface, IC101, on the Display PCB, measure between pins 8 (negative) and 15 (0V) on IC101 on the Display PCB. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 720nm Output, Set wavelength to 720nm, Dark Shutter open, IR stray light filter open, Voltage Display must not be greater than 3600mV.

If greater than 3600mV check the lamp, lamp supply voltage, other power supply levels and detector PCB. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Err 5, No zero order (white) light found during wavelength calibration in start up routine. This error is given during the wavelength calibration routine, indicating that even the initial threshold level was not achieved.

Possible causes are; incorrect Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • See Section 8.6. View Start Up Routine. Hold the key depressed while turning on the power. This enables the detector output and grating position to be monitored on the display during the Start Up Routine. Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

Sodium Nitrate – 50g/l in deionised water, should give less than 0.1% Transmittance at 340nm. All these solutions are hazardous and the manufacturer/suppliers safety precautions should be carefully followed at all times in preparation, use and storage.

Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 3 System Description 3.1 Background 3.2 Sub-Assemblies 3.3 Accessories 3.4 Outputs Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 3.1 Background The model 6300 is a single beam, visible spectrophotometer with Absorbance, Transmission and Concentration measurement modes. It is a direct replacement for the earlier model 6100.

This manual covers the service, maintenance and repair of all units with a serial number greater than 5000. For the service, maintenance and repair of units with serial numbers less than 5000 please refer to the 6300 Mark 1 Service Manual.

• Pin configuration for the RS232 socket is given in Section 6.2 of the Instruction Manual. Section 6.1 of the Instruction Manual gives details of the various ASCII codes that may be transmitted to the 6300 to enable complete remote control from a terminal or PC. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 4 Optical Description 4.1 Light Source 4.2 Grating 4.3 Shutter and Filter 4.4 Signal Detector Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

• 4.4 Signal Detector An S1133 photo-diode is used as the detector on the 6300, it is mounted directly onto the detector PCB, behind the lens block The detector PCB carries out all of the analogue signal processing. • Section 5 Electronic Description 5.1 Power Supplies 5.2 Detector Circuit 5.3 Microprocessor and Display Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • PCB via SK5. IC1 and 2, TEA3717DP, are the stepper motor drivers, controlled from the microprocessor PCB via SK5 pins 9 to 12, with outputs to the motor on SK2 pins 5 to 8. Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

• The later are also stored in non-volatile E PROM to enable the last settings to be restored after power has been interrupted or switched off. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • The watchdog circuit (IC100) monitors the activity of the processor, while IC101 generates the correct levels for the RS232 output. The four amplifiers in IC300 form the D to A converter which generates the analogue output. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. Ajax Le Guide Complete Pdf.

• Section 6 Software and Operation 6.0 Warning 6.1 Start Up Routine 6.2 Photometrics 6.3 Concentration Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Instruction Manual, its purpose is to enable basic navigation through the operation and set up of the 6300 spectrophotometer sufficient to verify basic operation.

6.1 Start Up Routine When the power to the unit is switched on a self-test routine is activated. • Absorbance measurement mode. These two modes are calibrated by simply inserting a cuvette or test tube containing a blank solution in the sample chamber, closing the lid and pressing the CAL pushbutton. The CAL icon on the display will flash while Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Insert a cuvette or test tube containing the known standard solution into the sample chamber, close the lid and press the CAL key. The CAL icon on the display will flash and the up or Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

• CONC icon using the left arrow key. Cuvettes or test tubes containing samples can then be inserted in the sample chamber, the lid closed and readings taken directly from the display.

Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 7 Diagnostics 7.1 The Diagnostics Mode 7.2 Shutter and Filter Control 7.3 Lamp Control 7.4 Zero Order Calibration Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 7.4 Zero Order Calibration Warning;- This procedure can be used to re-set the stored wavelength calibration data, so a new wavelength calibration must be carried Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

• CAL key by using the up or down arrows to set the display to the required offset. If step 7 was used a wavelength calibration must be carried out; in both cases a performance verification as detailed in Section 8.8 must be carried out. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 8 Maintenance 8.1 Routine Maintenance 8.2 Dismantling 8.3 Optical Alignment 8.4 Energy Levels 8.5 Wavelength Calibration 8.6 A to D Calibration 8.7 D to A Calibration 8.8 Performance Verification Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 8.1 Routine Maintenance The Jenway Limited, Model 6300 Spectrophotometer has been designed to give optimum performance with minimal maintenance.

It is only essential to keep the external surfaces clean and free from dust and to ensure that the area around and underneath the unit is also clean and dust free. • PCB without a full re-calibration will invalidate the quoted specification. Monochromator The monochromator is located across the front of the lower case.

It is a sealed unit and breaking the seals will Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • This procedure can irreversibly affect the performance and operation of the instrument. Please read the following warnings and request help or clarification before proceeding. Carrying out this procedure will invalidate the manufacturers optical performance specification and should only be Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • LAMP is fitted, (refer to the instruction manual for details). There are many lamps that look similar but the filament position is critical and can only be guaranteed on Jenway lamps, replacing the lamp may correct the problem without any further re-alignment. • Press the up and down arrow keys and check to see if the mV reading can be increased as the wavelength changes.

If the display goes over-range (1. ) Press the left arrow key to reduce the lamp brightness. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Press the down arrow key again to reduce the wavelength to –50nm, the voltmeter should now read approximately 5.00V.

Press the up arrow key and return the wavelength setting to –40nm and the voltmeter reading should return to approximately 0.100V. Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

• For more information see Section 5.3 - Detector Circuit and Section 7.1 – The Diagnostics Mode. This voltage display can be used to check lamp energy (ageing), the correct functioning of the IR Stray Light filter as well as the Dark Shutter.

Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Select the absorbance or transmission modes, using the right or left arrow keys, depending on whether an Absorbance or transmittance standard or filter is being used. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Press the down arrow key until the wavelength display reads 0.0. Press the left arrow key to dim the lamp. Use the up and down arrow keys to set the display to the correction factor calculated above (observe polarity) Jenway 6300 Ser Man.

• 8.6 A to D Calibration The A to D converter should only be calibrated by engineers who have been trained on this aspect of servicing by Jenway Limited. Equipment Required; - A certified voltage calibrator with a resolution of 0.1mV and a range up to at least +/-4.0000V. • When the correct level is reached press the enter key and the prompt moves on to 0mV, repeat the above for this and the 2000mV levels. When successfully completed the display returns to the last settings used in the measurement mode. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Turn the unit on and allow the Start Up tests to complete then allow 15 minutes for the instrument to warm up. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a wavelength about 10nm below the certified wavelength of the filter or standard to be used.

Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Calibration at the initial wavelength with the filter or standard in the sample chamber. Check that the reported peak wavelength falls within the specified tolerance of the instrument PLUS the tolerance of the filter or standard used. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Insert the certified filter or Potassium Dichromate solution and check that the reading is within the specified tolerance of the instrument PLUS the tolerance of the filter/solution used. Repeat this for other filters or solutions and at other specified wavelengths as necessary.

Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Press the CAL key and ensure the reading is 100.0% Insert the stray light filter or solutions, as above, and ensure that the reading is within the specified tolerance of the instrument PLUS the tolerance of the filter/solution used. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 9.1 Power Supply Schematic 630 504 9.2 Power Supply Layout 630 504 9.3 Detector PCB Schematic 630 506 9.4 Detector PCB Layout 630 506 9.5 Microprocessor PCB Schematic 630 013 9.6 Microprocessor PCB Layout 630 013 Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 10 Assembly Diagrams 10.1 6300 Final Assembly 630 503 10.2 6300 Lower Case Assembly 630 510 10.3 6300 Top Case Assembly 630 010 10.4 6300 Optics Assembly 630 508 10.5 6300 Rear Panel Assembly 6630 012 Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 11 Spare Parts 11.01 Packed Instrument 11.02 Top Case Assembly 11.03 Microprocessor PCB 11.04 Lower Case Assembly 11.05 Monochromator Assembly 11.06 Detector PCB 11.07 Power Supply PCB 11.08 Rear Panel Assembly Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 6300 SPARE PARTS LIST Part Number Drwg/Cct Description Section 11.01 630 501 Packed Instrument.

033 227 Packing case complete with inserts 060 084 Disposable cuvettes (4ml) pack of 100 630 026 Instruction manual 013 046 Mains cable without plug 013 083 Mains Cable U.S.A. • 009 125 4mm socket black Section 11.10 640 006 Rear Panel Assembly. 009 123 Mains input socket 016 021 2A fuse 20mm (for 220V supply) 062 241 Lamp Panel Retaining Screw 017 050 Switch rocker 2p Jenway 6300 Ser Man.