Interposer Pro R13 Keygen Photoshop
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It has been said that all plugins need to be alot of work to be ready for R12 (which of course is worrisome as some of our best plugs come from busy solo devs), and I was wondering about my favs (as well as plugs I'm considering buying). Here are the plugs I was wondering about - anybody chat with these devs about R12 versions? Maybe you devs can chime in if you have any release news? Also, should all Coffee plugs still work in R12? Z-Blur (and other Biomekk plugs) Paint on Surface Align to Vector (defcon-X) Xplode Thrausi Degamma (I know LWF Is built in now, but I like the options/presets in DeGamma) XFrog Dpit KyamaSlide Michael Welter's various plugins Vray (does this need a big re-write like other plugs?) PathDeformer (Renato) Drive!
Active zune video converter v1.3.1 winall incl keygen neox. Cinema 4d r13 all modulesgsg kits macwindows karaty chicken. Supertintin msn webcam recorder Acronis true image home 2017 13.0 setup key. Interposer pro v1.7.1 for cinema4d xforce. Clark gable it happened one night 1934 dvdrip sirius. Loading Tabs in the Oversized High Capacity Feeder (OHCF)..3-13. Loading Transparencies in. Fully open Tray 1. B) At the left of the tray, on the press frame, locate the plate with the serial number. Punch, stapler, built-in decurler, and a post-process inserter/interposer (Tray 8/T1). An optional C/Z Folder.
Add-the-Sea Remotion plugs Vue xStream connection Realflow Other plugs I didn't mention Blackstar's plugs are already R12 (Reference Shader, Splurf, etc) [Please, no crabbing in this thread - just info and discussion]. My list: fusionThing - Steve is working on this one (For all you who do not know, this plugin has ways of putting clones together that Mograph does not do, it welds the child objects together, you can define exactly how the child objects are propagated (By edge, a particular face or side, etc), it also has a great recursive function.
EnhanceC4D StormTracer TransulcentPro CellularShader (Welter Plugins) Maxwell Render AdvancedAtomArray MeshDeformer NoiseDeformer (Welter Plugins) PhotoMatch Reeper Rockgen wornEdges ArrowMaker. A handy little workflow plugin that I really like is 'Deformation' by xs_yann(c) 2007. It's a plugin that creates deformers to fit and orient with the currently selected object. This is COFFEE based, but didn't work in R12.
I opened the.cof file up though and managed to fix it by changing a few lines and commenting out any references to Bone objects (since they no longer exist in R12). So here's a fixed version, hoping it's ok to post as it was free originally, all credit to the original coder. Cheers, Brian. Lennart mentioned the other day that SteadyCamPro was in the works for R12, there were some issues that needed sorting out though. The other one I've grown quite attached to is AIT from totalemersionstudios (hoping that will find its way onto R12 too.
And Thrausi, but mike already mentioned these. Should mention that I wouldn't object to paying upgrade fees for any of these, it's understandable if there's a few days work in re-coding for the new version that there should be some incentive for the developer, especially smaller niche products. That's interesting.
I thought SCP was just a lot of XPresso and User Data. Did the update screw with XPresso too? Possibly he used coffee nodes. Most COFFEE should work but not all can be guaranteed sadly. They tried as best as possible to support legacy code but event hen its best to update and correct things to help future proof them. Perhaps Lennart's exploring doing it with Python too?
Here is a list of ones known to have support for R12 as of release day. Its done, (was so kind and did the port to R12 for free thanks guys.
You'll find the new version on the old page (OLD POST: As from my side it will probably take a while till someone takes the time to alter the code of AVT Align to Vector ( (hence I can not code in C++ Last time Robert Templeton did the port to 64bit and R11 If anybody else wants to get his hands dirty just head to the website and download the original code. Greetings mogh. Well aside from R12. Remotion is very unimpressed by the fact his plugins have been pirated.after doing a search for geotools the illegal version came top of the listing on google.which is pretty shameful for a plugin that costs 39euro its not like its gonna kill people to pay for it given the outlay nowadays in c4d. He is currently deciding what to do if anything can be done about it. Guys like remo put a hell of a lot of time in dev work, research and the like all in their spare time i might add and then someone just steals all the hard work. It costs a bit to do cross platform need two platforms for starters along with the time.remo has always been good with giving mac and pc versions.
Seems to be the way of the world at the moment unfortunately i don't think they realise how shortsighted it effectively kill the goose who laid the golden egg! Remo is a one man band supporting many plugins on many os's he is not a big company it directly effects him and his legitimate users. To say lacking in motivation from remo side of things would be an understatement.
Bullet seems to be in R12 now so i guess that will go some other phys stuff isn't in there some ditools stuff will go we're all ears for stuff users want to keep just let us know.but there is quite a bit of work involved i gather in R12 updates. I'd love to hear other devs approaches to protection their wares and whether maxon can/should be doing more to help them? Does anyone know if the GoZ Bridge from ZBrush 4 will work or (as I assume) if it has to be adapted then if it is in the works already and an update foreseeable? I have been waiting so long for this connection (on PC) and the integration with R11.5 is a dream to work with c4d and Z compliment each other so well, I would have to continue working with R11.5 at least as long as doing modelling and texturing in projects.
Greetings, Oliver I did just a very quick test. GoZ import/export of geometry seems to work fine. R12.021, ZBrush 4, PC, Win XP 32 SP3 cheers Michael. That's interesting.
I thought SCP was just a lot of XPresso and User Data. Did the update screw with XPresso too? He heno:) It's about 2500 lines of code reading up to eight objects of almost any kind, generating between 64 to a couple of hundred vector references (like invisible Nulls if you like) in real time. Just so the user in the end can work fluently and precise with a minimum of keyframes.
SCPRO is 100% COFFEE controlled by itself and UserData and in R12 SDK there's been changes that need to be addressed. I need some time to get it all up to standards.
Cheers Lennart. I'd love to hear other devs approaches to protection their wares and whether maxon can/should be doing more to help them? Outside of contacting the sites and requesting the remove the links there isn't much you can do about it sadly. I don't know what one could expect Maxon to do about it either they are as much a victim of it as the plugin developers.
A simple example, this is a tweet from yesterday from Twitter account MotionInk Yar! In a few hours C4D R12 will be mine matey! A pirate's life for me.
I feel your pain I've seen tonnes of CV tutorials posted as pirated videos on twitter, as well as 3D fluff and FXPHD. It is a sad state but there isn't much one can do to stop it other than ask to remove links. It is really sad when it is such a cheap product and ironic when we've seen people post torrent links for free videos or free plugins.
Even limiting the plugin to serializing to a C4D serial can be worked around simply by registering it to a pirated serial. Now anyone who gets that pirated serial can also use that pirated plugin.
Great news on the quick turnaround for plugs. One question, with the simplified product structure, is there still going to be a base number for plugs?
If you are at Visualize, and you later decide to upgrade to another package, say Studio, will it be like changing from v11 to v12 with whole new 'base' number for your plugs. Or are package upgrades more like.5 updates, where your plugs are still connected to your base number? Best, o3dm Apparently, yes. I just found that out while updating my first commercial plugin. Had Broadcast installed on Windows (don't ask why) and Studio on MacOS.
It returns different base serial numbers for the Cinema 4D serial number check. So, if you are running all four packages, you will need four plugin serial numbers. One thing to note for developers reading this thread; since the new EULA allows me as the end user to continue to use R11.5 as need be, I would expect plugin developers to honor the new EULA and allow for the use of their plugins for both R11.5 and R12. In the interest of technological advances it is sometimes necessary to make concessions regarding compatibility. Release 12 represents a giant leap in development, thus bringing with it issues of incompatability. In order to minimize the impact for our customers, MAXON has augmented the End User License Agreement for product upgrades to allow users to leave the previous version installed for the purpose of adjusting, tweaking or re-rendering old scenes, if needed. Dear users, our plugin will be posted as a v12 compatibel versions this week.
It will be posted on the website vrayforc4d is more work to rewrite, of course vray will be also become v12 compatible, it is a lot fop work but we do, we have worked on that already quite some time, but quite some work still ahead yet. The update will be free to all users, as usual in vrayforc4d:-) i post as son i have more detailed info, i know many wait, and we for sure want to support the new v12 release (with new double precission, real units, super cool dynamics etc nobody wants to miss that over long time. I know) best greetings Stefan Laub vrayforc4d I think it was a special tool for Andrew Runyons 2D Character rig tutorial if I remember right. Yes, that's correct. Andrew built some coffee plugins for his setup, and he then helped me build a small set of c++ plugins to make the process easier and provide additional functionality.
And to clarify, Switch is available only to Cineversity members. I'm unable to distribute it elsewhere at this time. I mention it here so that those with the plugin will know to re-download the plugin from Cineversity, which should be updated momentarily. Is ready to start.
This version-upgrade is free again to ATS-Users. Thx for reading this best wishes Dagmar P(atze)r motion gimmick - MediaArt how do we get this version? I've been looking on the ATS web site but don't see a link to download.
I'll be honest the complete randomness and complexity of keeping track of how every different plugin maker updates, identifies and releases, and the hoops you have to jump through just to get the new versions of plugins makes me just want to avoid using any of them. How do we get this version? I've been looking on the ATS web site but don't see a link to download. I'll be honest the complete randomness and complexity of keeping track of how every different plugin maker updates, identifies and releases, and the hoops you have to jump through just to get the new versions of plugins makes me just want to avoid using any of them. Dann Maybe it's time for a C4D pluginstore. I agree it's everytime a bit of a jungle how to obtain all upgraded plugins and new serial numbers.
Hello We try to do our work as userfriendly we ever are able to: No serial f.e. To write a little email to us for a free update is not comfortable enough? Speak / write to us and you ever get an answer.
Thx for reading this Dagmar Patzer motion gimmick - MediaArt yes that is easy enough - but where does it say to do that? On the web site? In your previous post? It does now!) i have dozens of plugins - i have a wife, kids, dog, cats, kid soccer games, bills to pay, a busy life - i just don't have it in my brain anymore to remember that i write to you and respectfully request an update, but i download the demo from another to use as my 'update' and yet another i have to go and find the plugin i purchased 5 years ago to get the email link, login and password to download the plugin - or else risk the ire if i instead forget and respectfully email this developer instead and ask for an update. Then we go onto the other 30 plugins and each their own special way of asking/requesting/downloading or even finding out an update exists to begin with! Why can't a developer just do a mass email to their purchasers indicating there IS an update and maybe even nicely remind the user of their own individual how to upgrade policies. Just some consistency would be nice.
Or else we just keep going on as an unorganized flea market as we have been. Then we go onto the other 30 plugins and each their own special way of asking/requesting/downloading or even finding out an update exists to begin with! Why can't a developer just do a mass email to their purchasers indicating there IS an update and maybe even nicely remind the user of their own individual how to upgrade policies. Well I guess I can relate. Currently digging through 3 year old emails here (the ones I still have that is) trying to find a username and password just so that I can download an update.
I really don't see why this is needed since I've already got the new serial for R12. Not going to name names here, but some plugin devs do make us work much harder than we should have to IMO just to get updates.
One of the good ones IMO is Cactus Dan, his are simple to find and update and he does send out announcement emails for each one. I wish some others would follow his example.
Cheers, Brian. Hi everyone, InterPoser Pro (and Drop It! Pro (are now available for Cinema 4D R12 64/32 Windows and MacOS. Now back to work on Greebler.
Thanks, Robert Do you have any WIP's on Greebler!! Very, very, very interested in seeing what is being developed. Hopefully you are at a point where you are comfortable to share how its development is progressing. 3D-Pangel P.S. Did I mention that I was interested in this plugin? Yes that is easy enough - but where does it say to do that? On the web site?
In your previous post? It does now!) i have dozens of plugins - i have a wife, kids, dog, cats, kid soccer games, bills to pay, a busy life - i just don't have it in my brain anymore to remember that i write to you and respectfully request an update, but i download the demo from another to use as my 'update' and yet another i have to go and find the plugin i purchased 5 years ago to get the email link, login and password to download the plugin - or else risk the ire if i instead forget and respectfully email this developer instead and ask for an update. Then we go onto the other 30 plugins and each their own special way of asking/requesting/downloading or even finding out an update exists to begin with! Why can't a developer just do a mass email to their purchasers indicating there IS an update and maybe even nicely remind the user of their own individual how to upgrade policies. Just some consistency would be nice.
Or else we just keep going on as an unorganized flea market as we have been. Dann Quoted for agreement! Just some consistency would be nice. Or else we just keep going on as an unorganized flea market as we have been.
Sometimes I see a mention of a plugin, look it up and think 'looks useful'. Then I go back to realize I already bought it! But it may be stuck in my C4Dv9.5 since I forgot to get a new serial number, or stuck in v10 or v11 for the same reason.
Artrage 4 Free Download With Crack And Keygen. I am not saying there is anything wrong with the way the plugin sellers do things, just that you could increase sales by reminding existing users that they should ask for a new code when C4D updates and when you have a new version of the plug. Send me an email with an easy link to download or purchase. The easier you make it for customers to pay, the more paying customers you will have. If you leave it to me you are going to have to get a job at the 7-11 to get. Sometimes I see a mention of a plugin, look it up and think 'looks useful'. Then I go back to realize I already bought it!
But it may be stuck in my C4Dv9.5 since I forgot to get a new serial number, or stuck in v10 or v11 for the same reason. I am not saying there is anything wrong with the way the plugin sellers do things, just that you could increase sales by reminding existing users that they should ask for a new code when C4D updates and when you have a new version of the plug. Send me an email with an easy link to download or purchase. The easier you make it for customers to pay, the more paying customers you will have.
If you leave it to me you are going to have to get a job at the 7-11 to get. Ditto to this and Dann's post. I buy fewer plugins than I used to in part because it's such a PITA to keep track of them all. Sure would be nice if Maxon could create some kind of permanent, plugin-only serial number that developers could use.
Then they could just send out updates to registered users as they became available. Short of that, it would be nice if developers could use a system like they have with
You get an e-mail notifying you of the update, go to the included link, type in your existing registration number and new C4D number, and get the required info. In another e-mail. I wasn't trying to criticize plugin developers; just stating that, for me, the process of updating plugins has become a factor in whether or not I decide to buy more plugins.:shrug: Just one example: one plugin I have requires that I go to a download link that I received when I purchased the plugin. I purchased the plugin six years ago, but fortunately I still have the e-mail.
The link provided in that e-mail doesn't work. After fumbling around for the better part of an hour I figure out that I got another e-mail, about four years ago, saying that the developer had to change servers and providing another d'l link. As from my side it will probably take a while till someone takes the time to alter the code of AVT Align to Vector ( (hence I can not code in C++ Align to Vector (defcon-x) is invaluable! Sure hope it gets ported to R12 because I cannot think of a worthy replacement at the moment. Just ported it and sent it to the creator, it'll surely be available soon on the defcon-x site.
In the meantime you can download it here (too. All credits of course go to mogh and Zaphod! Have fun, -Andre. .the combo developer businessman isn't the most common thing in the Cinema world:). I've never thought that 'artist' and 'businessman' belonged in the same sentence, either. The better I am at one, the more the other suffers.
But if that is your customer base, and you want sales, make it easy for us to buy/update/upgrade. Having PayPal options makes things easy for me, so I buy more plugs than I would having to go find my wallet and type in a long card number, exp. PayPal is super-easy, I use it so readily that I forget what plugins I bought. I really like Adam's idea about a 'for-life' non-changing C4D serial extension that can be used to register plugins. That would be a great idea. Look, as a plugin developer it doesn't make me happy having to rebuild my plugins for each new version and then spend lots of time updating serial numbers from requests. If there was some serial number that was C4D-independent that would make it easier for all of us.:) Feature request to Maxon, maybe?
My degamma serial number stayed the same for the plugin and seems to not be dependent on the C4D one (as i just used my previous serial from R11 in my R12 NET Server install). So it seems possible as it is now. I think tying them to the C4D serial number is a choice the plugin developer has chosen to make so for them to then complain about having to re-issue them seems like was their own choice. Lennart, how's the r12 update coming?:scream: If you have a moment, it would be nice if you updated your website to say it's coming soon. Right now, it doesn't look like it's been updated since r11.0. Hi there Navstar.
I have the SteadyBLOG there with any current info. The Maxon developers are doing an adorable thing by adding code to R12 to make SteadyCAMPRO be the professional tool it has always been. As this addition is said to be included in an upcoming service update there will be a little wait Normally I would be able to use the Demo to prepare an update the tools but not this time So big props for Maxon dev's!:) but. A gigantic frigging kick in the face of sales. I'm disappointed beyond belief as evidently (reading the forums) people that have ordered R12 -after- the release have it installed and running.
The MSA I signed up for is absolutely worthless (yea, a couple of bucks off, so what.) as I'm, as of today, 20 days after R12 release is still without it. A couple of weeks ago I was childishly thrilled and finally started to put together the SteadyTOOLSv2 with loads of production tools I've used last couple of years. Let's say my enthusiasm has frozen to zero and xfiles (my free stuff) is dead and I see no reason to add anything there for time to come. And I now need to fully concentrate on my own production for the rest of the year. And asap the SteadyCAMPRO update of coarse:) Cheers Lennart. I am wondering whats going to happen with some of my favorite plugins in r12. So far many of them have not bin updated.
Possibly some of you might be able to let me know what will come of them. AMa_ChamferMaker 64 bit ( remotion 4d ) AMA_Multislide ( remotion 4d ) AMa_1D_Snap ( remotion 4d ) LightListerR12 64bit ( Adam Swaab ) smartoutline_1_2_win_r12 ' works but horrible performance with sliders in 64bit' RT-MaterialOverride ( renderTOM )...done fixed RT-object 2 view ( renderTOM )...done fixed Color_Changer ( Bobtronic ) xsTab ( xs yann ) xsThickness ( xs yann ) Thanks Pe. I am wondering whats going to happen with some of my favorite plugins in r12. So far many of them have not bin updated. Possibly some of you might be able to let me know what will come of them.
AMa_ChamferMaker 64 bit ( remotion 4d ) AMA_Multislide ( remotion 4d ) AMa_1D_Snap ( remotion 4d ) LightListerR12 64bit ( Adam Swaab ) smartoutline_1_2_win_r12 ' works but horrible performance with sliders in 64bit' RT-MaterialOverride ( renderTOM ) RT-object 2 view ( renderTOM ) Color_Changer ( Bobtronic ) xsTab ( xs yann ) xsThickness ( xs yann ) Thanks Pe RT-Object 2 view change var tempNull = AllocObject(ONull); to var tempNull = AllocObject(Onull). First would be to double check your list against what has been posted I've had a light lister for R12 for a while now so it certainly has been recompiled Yes I have checked out the list most are not available.I thought others might have had better luck. Lightlister has only been recompiled in 32bit the same for chamfermaker.
The person who kindly recompiled them only did it for the 32bit versions Thanks Eric RT-Object 2 view change var tempNull = AllocObject(ONull); to var tempNull = AllocObject(Onull); Thanks Pe. My degamma serial number stayed the same for the plugin and seems to not be dependent on the C4D one (as i just used my previous serial from R11 in my R12 NET Server install). So it seems possible as it is now.
I think tying them to the C4D serial number is a choice the plugin developer has chosen to make so for them to then complain about having to re-issue them seems like was their own choice. Dann It's not impossible.
But it is more complicated to generate serial numbers based on some other information (the information has to be unique and non-determinant) or format. Maxon seems to build-in a literal 'serial' number that is unique to each build. A one-man shop like most of us plugin developers really doesn't have the time or resources for that type of operation. Cinema 4D provides a relatively simple way to correlate a plugin serial number with the Cinema 4D base serial number which avoids the possibility of it being spread about. Per-Anders will have to chime in on DeGamma and maybe some alternative approaches.
Some plugins, like cage deformer, have a little license file that you drop into your c4d directory. I like it better than serialization, but its still somehow annoying. My naive wish is that all these programs (c4d included) and plugins would get rid of serialization entirely. Sure piracy would become rampant, but it is already. By basically giving the platform away the legitimate user base would become massive. Clever companies (wink, wink: Maxon) would figure out how to make money through a marketplace of special add-ons and enablers, like the app store for iphone.
Heretical, I know. Copy protection is so last century. Here's the rub: you want people to copy your software! Disappointed to report that SurfaceSpread 1.00.29 R12 causes a crash at quit with NET Render Client R12 and NET Render Server R12 (on both OSX and Windows7) with other plugins installed strangely will not cause a crash at quit if SurfaceSpread 1.00.29 R12 is the only plugin installed. BUT it will stop the NET Server R12 functionality of the remote RESET CLIENT button from working from the NET Server web interface. It just quits and never restarts.
Just wanted to let others know who may be experiencing the issue and need that reset client ability from NET Server dann. My plugin 'sIBL Loader' is now available in two versions, v1.15 for R10/10.5 (no Vray support included) and v1.2 for R11/11.5/12, which does include Vray support. These can now be downloaded from my site at (Please be sure to download the correct version for your release of C4D. The versions for R11/11.5/12 are all the same in terms of functionality, but a separate version is needed for each release due to the changes in C4D over those releases.
Full details of the plugin plus the changes since the original release can be found on my site. Any comments, but reports, and suggestions for additional features will be most welcome. My plugin 'sIBL Loader' is now available in two versions, v1.15 for R10/10.5 (no Vray support included) and v1.2 for R11/11.5/12, which does include Vray support.
These can now be downloaded from my site at (Please be sure to download the correct version for your release of C4D. The versions for R11/11.5/12 are all the same in terms of functionality, but a separate version is needed for each release due to the changes in C4D over those releases. Full details of the plugin plus the changes since the original release can be found on my site.
Any comments, but reports, and suggestions for additional features will be most welcome. Steve Thank you sooo much. Your plugin and the sIBL sets at the sIBL archives (are just amazing. I didn't read all the way through this thread, but here is update/status info from my end: Riptide Pro - finally got it to compile cleanly (on the PC) today and then fixed some new 64bit vector issues that cropped up. Testing continues and Mac version still needs to be done. No exact ETA other than 'soon' (maybe within the next few days).
Morph Mill - pretty much the same state as Riptide Pro. Built for PC, not yet for Mac, more testing needed. Undertow - R12 port not yet started. KyamaSlide - R12 port not yet started (but planned).
I/Ogre - no immediate plans to port to R12 (not enough interest/support). Riptide (free version) - no plans to port to R12 - sorry - I just don't have the time/resources.on a related note, barring any bug-fixes, any 'future' feature addition updates will only be taking place in the R12 (and later) versions of my plugins. The changes to the code-base for R12 build was/is quite drastic and I don't have the resources to maintain so many different builds. Having said that, the initial R12 Riptide Pro build will also at least have an update for R11.5 (and possibly R11/R10). I'll post an update once I have plugins ready to go. Cheers, Keith. I hadn't looked into the Undertow port yet, but due to the way the code is structured, hopefully it'll be less trouble than Riptide Pro was:).
On the other hand, due to 'what' the plugin does (lot's of UVW manipulation), that's one of the things that definately changed in R12, so. We'll see.just to give you guys 'some' idea of the number of changes needed when porting to R12, I went ahead and moved Undertow into my development path. On the first 'just hit the compile button' attempt, it reported 204 errors (I think Riptide Pro 'started' with about 400 compile errors - KyamaSlide 'only' had about 63). Note that this number is a bit misleading, since the compiler bails after a certain number of errors on each file and fixing some errors will eliminate some others, so maybe there's 400-500 or so edits that need to take place to just get it to compile cleanly again.
Once it compiles cleanly, that doesn't mean that it still 'functions' correctly;), so then testing begins and more edits are often needed. Sorry for babbling. I'm just killing time while I get R12 installed and updated on the Mac:thumbsup:. Awesome to hear there will be a R12 version of KyamaSlide. I use this all the time in 11.5 and would be lost without it for tweaking loops on character meshes.
I've made a donation to the plugin development fund to show my appreciation: ) Cheers, Brian Thanks for the donation Brian (I just saw that come in). You don't know how much that helps and is appreciated at this particular moment in time! Anton deserves the credit for the original AMA_MultiSlide - it's an excellent tool - I'm happy to add my tweeks to it and keep it updated. Thanks again. Hi Keith, good to hear!:) But what's about 'Add Normals'?
I'd really like to see that for R12 too. And it's a pity that the free Riptide version won't make it to the R12. But perhaps you can simply make a new free light version, based on the Riptide Pro code after that one is R12 ready.
This way it should be an easy thing to manage, don't you think?;) Kind regards, Tom Hi Tom, re: AddNormals. Yeah, I forgot about that one in my earlier list. If people still find that usefull, I can update it as well, once I get the time. Re: Riptide (free).
I have mixed emotions about continuing to try to maintain a free/lite version of this plugin. On the one hand, it's the plugin that got me started and I really like providing it but on the other hand, it eats into Riptide Pro sales, with something that I don't have enough time to work on / maintain in the first place.
It's a delima:). As you indicated, the old code-base is quite dated and working with that again would just be out of the question at this point (I've moved on and done a lot of re-structuring and bullet-proofing in the newer Riptide Pro code-base). I'll consider doing a stripped-down lite version of the newer code, but.
Don't hold your breath - I'm just really not in a position to be able to afford to spend time on that currently. You're very welcome Keith. My 2c on the free version of Riptide - I've used that up to now as it's been sufficient for my needs but I have no problem paying for the pro version to use in R12 as it's something that makes my job easier. None of us has time to spare and I don't think you should feel obligated to work on something for free. If you're a professional user the cost of Riptide pro will be absorbed very quickly and it will pay for itself. If you're a hobbyist maybe you should be getting on to Maxon to fix the native OBJ importer/exporter. The 'plays well with others (line the marketing said a while back doesn't ring all that true to me to be honest.
Unless the only apps you consider are Photoshop and AE. How about OBJ, FBX, Collada and MDD? All of which are either buggy, not present, or poorly implemented right now. Back on subject. Support your plugin devs folks and don't be afraid to pay for/donate for plugins.
What percentage do they cost really compared to the cost of the app itself? Cheers, Brian. You're very welcome Keith. My 2c on the free version of Riptide - I've used that up to now as it's been sufficient for my needs but I have no problem paying for the pro version to use in R12 as it's something that makes my job easier.
None of us has time to spare and I don't think you should feel obligated to work on something for free. If you're a professional user the cost of Riptide pro will be absorbed very quickly and it will pay for itself.
If you're a hobbyist maybe you should be getting on to Maxon to fix the native OBJ importer/exporter. The 'plays well with others (line the marketing said a while back doesn't ring all that true to me to be honest. Unless the only apps you consider are Photoshop and AE. How about OBJ, FBX, Collada and MDD? All of which are either buggy, not present, or poorly implemented right now. Back on subject. Support your plugin devs folks and don't be afraid to pay for/donate for plugins.
What percentage do they cost really compared to the cost of the app itself? Cheers, Brian Thanks for your thoughts and support. And thanks for mentioning MDD - I just realized that my MDD implementation in Riptide Pro will be completely broken (due to single vs double precision Vectors in R12) - I hadn't got around to testing that yet, but now I don't have to - I know it's broke before even looking. This is what I was referring to earlier re: just because it compiles cleanly, doesn't mean that it still functions as expected:). Yeah, the R12 update sure changed things a lot.I believe, the technicalities of it go well over my head though!
Personally MDD is almost more useful for me than OBJ, as it's a great way to get animated meshes out to other apps (but of course you need a good OBJ exporter that preserves point order for that to work too!). I've used a free MDD plugin from Animation Snippets before but I doubt that will be updated. Again it's another good justification for people to pay for Riptide pro when it's ready. As far as I know the only way to import/export MDD in Maya is a plugin called PointOven and that's not free either. Cheers, Brian. Re: AddNormals.
Yeah, I forgot about that one in my earlier list. If people still find that usefull, I can update it as well, once I get the time. Thank you, that would be great! And yes, at least I still find it usefull.;) In fact there is no alternative to it, as far as I know. Riptide Pro, MorphMill and KyamaSlide are now available for R12 at my site (see signature). Thanks again for that.
Especially for the conversion of Antosha Marchenkos KyamaSlide plugin. Please note that these were all built for the R12.029 update (a free update from R12), so please make sure that your Cinema 4D is up to date. Haven't seen that yet. Could it be, that you perhaps mean R12.028? (re: AddNormals plugin).Thank you, that would be great!
And yes, at least I still find it usefull.;) In fact there is no alternative to it, as far as I know. BTW, if you need to, you can Export your mesh as.obj (with Riptide Pro, of course:) ), with the 'Export Normals' option enabled, then re-Import the mesh (with 'Import Normals' enabled) and it'll have a Normal Tag. If I recall correctly, Riptide Pro uses the same Normal computing code that AddNormals does and will 'generate' them if you have the Export option enabled. Good question.
If you use the Online Updater, what does your version say now? Maybe I'm special:).
But on a related note, if you DO have R12.028, please let me know if the plugin(s) work correctly (or maybe more specifically, if the don't work:) ). Yes, I used the online updater, have the R12.028 now (and no other was offered to me yet), I tried KyamaSlide and of course it works.;) Also perhaps take a look here: BTW, if you need to, you can Export your mesh as.obj (with Riptide Pro, of course:) ), with the 'Export Normals' option enabled, then re-Import the mesh (with 'Import Normals' enabled) and it'll have a Normal Tag. If I recall correctly, Riptide Pro uses the same Normal computing code that AddNormals does and will 'generate' them if you have the Export option enabled. Okay, yes that's right, with a roundabout way of export/import it would work too.;). R11.5 and R12 specific updates have been posted for most of my plugins in the downloads section (of my site. For the most part, these new builds add no new features - only internal restructuring to help me maintain them going forward.
The one exception is Riptide Pro, on the 64bit Mac, for R11.5 (and possibly the recent R12 v2.0 build). There was an Export bug in the previous v1.7 release of Riptide Pro on that platform / configuration. That bug should now be fixed in both the R11.5 and R12 builds. Plugins updated are: Riptide Pro - v2.1 for R11.5 & R12 Morph Mill - v2.1 for R11.5 & R12 Undertow - v2.1 for R11.5 & R12 (new) KyamaSlide - v1.2 for R11.5 & R12 AddNormals - v2.1 for R11.5 & R12 (now includes 32bit & 64bit for both Mac and PC).
Do we need a new serial number for this for R12 (can't remember offhand - some are tied to the app and some have their own independent serials?) will this be a free to download or do we need to request it as an update? Thanks dann The update was free, however you do need a serial for the main workstation if you are using it to work with (the net version does not need a serial). You will probably need to contact the developer (Marco) directly with your R12 serial and request the update. He emailed me the update files directly (after I contacted him). Never heard of this plugin Light lister, what does it doe as I can't find any info on the site. Peace, Rich_Art.:thumbsup: EDIT: Nevermind. Still early in the morning.
Just noticed the thread here on CGTalk. It is a simple utility plugin. Makes a list of every light in the scene with some common parameters easily available. Makes it easy to tweak scenes with lots of lights without having to dig through hierarchies for the lights you need. Also, you can get a kind of 'status report' for all your lights by being able to see a table with all your lights.
Nothing too fancy, but useful. Where can I download this? Dont seem to find a link on your post A handy little workflow plugin that I really like is 'Deformation' by xs_yann(c) 2007. It's a plugin that creates deformers to fit and orient with the currently selected object. Return To Castle Wolfenstein Patch For Pc. This is COFFEE based, but didn't work in R12. I opened the.cof file up though and managed to fix it by changing a few lines and commenting out any references to Bone objects (since they no longer exist in R12). So here's a fixed version, hoping it's ok to post as it was free originally, all credit to the original coder.
Cheers, Brian.