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Full text of ' Inside: Bonus All-Mac Supplement (follows page 224) MARCH 1989 A McGRAW-HILL PUBLICATION REVIEWS Compaq &Ogivar Portables Advanced Floppy Disk Drive Controllers Programmers' Text Editors Superbase4 PRODUCT FOCUS 10 Large-Screen Monitors 286 vs. 386SX Is the 286 dead? Do you really need an SX? Classic IBM AT 03 440235'o S3.50 U.S.A./S4.50 IN CANADA 0360-5280 Twinhead Superset IN DEPTH Object-Oriented Programming PLUS High-Speed Caches PC-Write 3. Autocad 2010 64 Bit Keygen Download Free. 0 Turbo EMS why you Should consider The dell 386 systems, Despite Their suspiciously low prices. TO ALLAY YOUR SUSPICION: Your Total Satisfaction Is Guaranteed. Dell offers a complete line of systems, peripherals and software. And whatever you choose, you must be absolutely, totally satisfied with it.
In fact, prior to my current Internet career, I was a genuine phone-answering. Self-published 8.5 x 11 manual, outside the traditional bookstore system. Well, to make a. Are you an entrepreneur who can explain your business process? Okay, grasshopper. You've chosen a topic and you've scoped out the.
If not, simply return it within the first 30 days for a money-back refund. No questions asked. We call this ourTotal Satisfaction Guarantee. Support Is A Free Phone Call Away. Also included in your system price is our toll-free support line.
It's open every business day from 7 AM to 7 PM (CT). Simply dial (800) 624-9896. On- Site Service Is Included In Your System Price. For those rare problems that can't be handled over the phone, we'll send a service technician to your location by the next business day. At absolutely no charge to you? Because included in system price is a year's worth of on-site service. One-Year Warranty.
Dell offers a one-year limited warranty, which warrants each system we manufacture to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one full year. During that period we will repair or replace any defective products returned to our factory. For a lot of companies, leasing our systems is an even better idea because of the cash flow and tax advantages. And we guarantee fixed rates, so you know exactly how much to budget each month. We can even custom design a lease plan to fit the exact needs of your business. For the complete terms ofourOn-Site Service Con- tract, Satisfaction Guarantee, Warranty and leasing plans, write: Dell Computer Corporation, 9505 Arboretum Blvd., Austin, Texas.
The New 25 MHz 386 System 325. When you need the highest possible performance of any 386, this is the tech- nology of choice. Running at 25 MHz, the System 325 is faster than the Com- paq 386/25.
Besides unequaled speed, it also offers Intel's Advanced 82385 Cache Memory Controller and high perfor- mance disk drives. As a result, it gives you workstation-level performance for CAD/CAM and desktop publishing applications. It's also especially effective as a network file server, and more than capable of handling the most complex spreadsheets and databases. Standard Features: ■ Intel 80386 micropiocessor tunning at 25 MHz, ■ 1 MB of RAM* expandable to 16 MB using a dedicated high speed 32-bit memory slot. ■Advanced Intel 82385 Cache Memory Controller with 32 KB of high speed static RAM cache. ■ Page mode interleaved memory architecture. ■ VGA systems include a high performance 16- bit video adapter.
■ Socket for 25 MHz Intel 80387 or 25 MHz WEITEK 3167 math coprocessor. ■ 5.25 ' 1.2 MB or 3.5 ' 1.44 MB diskette drive. ■ Dual diskette and hard disk drive controller. ■ Enhanced 101-key keyboard. • 1 parallel and 2 serial ports. ■ 8 industry standard expansion slots.
Options: ■ 25 MHz Intel 80387 math coprocessor. ■ 1 MB or 4 MB memory upgrade kit. ■ 2 MB or 8 MB memory expansion board kit.
**Leasefor as low as $245/ Month. System 325 With Monitor & Adapter Hard Disk Drives VGA Mono VGA Color Plus 150 MB-18ms ESDI 322 MB-18ms ESDI $6,799 $8,799 $7,099 $9,099 The Dell System 325 is an FCC Class A device, intended for business use only. The Dell 20 MHz 386 System 310. For business users who need a 386 sys- tem, this is the best combination of per- formance and value available. Running at 20 MHz, this 32-bit system is faster than the IBM PS/2' Model 70 and the Compaq 386/20e. Since it has the same high performance disk drives and Intel Advanced 82385 Cache Memory Con- troller as ourSystem325,it brings a new level of performance to complex spread- sheets and databases.
As you might expect, it runs windowed software at extremely high speed. It's also well-suited for desk- top publishing applications, or as a net- work file server. Standard Features: ■ Intel 80386 microprocessor running at 20 MHz. ■ 1 MB of RAM* expandable to 16 MB using a dedicated high speed 32-bit memory slot.
•Advanced Intel 82385 Cache Memory Controller with 32 KB of high speed static RAM cache. • Page mode interleaved memory architecture. ■ VGA systems include a high performance 16- bit video adapter. • Socket for 20 MHz Intel 80387 or 20 MHz WEITEK 3167 math coprocessor. ■ 5.25 ' 1.2 MB or 3.5 ' 1.44 MB diskette drive. ■ Dual diskette and hard disk drive controller. ■ Enhanced 101-key keyboard.
■ 1 parallel and 2 serial poits. • 200-watt power supply. • 8 industry standard expansion slots.
Options: - 20 MHz Intel 80387 math coprocessor. ■ 1 M B or 4 M B memory upgrade kit. ■ 2 MB or 8 MB memoiy expansion board kit.
** Lease for as low as $140/Month. System 310 With Monitor & Adapter Hard Disk Drives VGA Mono VGA Color Plus 40MB-28ms 90MB-18msESDI 150 MB-18ms ESDI 322 MB-18ms ESDI S3, 899 S4.699 $5,199 $7,199 S4.199 $4,999 $5,499 $7,499 All prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Del] cannot be responsible for errors in typography or photography. **Payments based on a 36-month open-end lease. In Canada, configurations and prices will vary.
Microsoft, MS and MS-DOS are registered trademarks owned by Microsoft Corp. Signifies trademarks of entities other than Dell Computer PLEASE CALL The Dell 20 MHz 286 System 220. It's an 80286 system that's as fast as most 386 computers. But at less than half the price. Which means you get the best price/performance of any system.
The System 220 runs at 20 MHz, with less than one wait state. It also features com- plete compatibility with Microsoft MS- DOS and MS OS/2, plus a remarkably small footprint. The System 220 is the ideal executive workstation. Standard Features: ■80286 microprocessor running at 20 MHz. • 1 MB of RAM* expandable to 16 MBf (8 MBf on system board). • Page mode interleaved memory architecture.
■ LIM 4.0 support for memoiy over 1 MB. ■ Integrated diskette and VGA video controller on system board. ■ Socket for Intel 80287 math coprocessor. ■ One 3.5 ' 1.44 MB diskette drive. ■ Integrated high performance hard disk inter- face on system board. • Enhanced 101-key keyboard. • 1 parallel and 2 serial ports integrated on system board.
• 3 full-sized industiy standard expansion slots available. Options: ■ External 5.25 ' 1.2 MB diskette drive. -3.5 '1.44 MB diskette drive.
• Intel 80287 math coprocessor. ■1MB RAM upgrade kit. ** Lease for as law as $85/ Month.
System 220 Disk Drives One Diskette Drive 40 MB-29 ms Hard Disk 100 MB-29 ms Hard Disk With Monitor VGA Mono $2,299 $2,999 $3,799 VGA Color Plus $2,599 $3,299 $4,099 The Dell 12.5 MHz System 200. A great value in a full-featured AT com- patible. An 80286 computer running at 12.5 MHz, this computer is completely Microsoft MS-DOS and MS OS/2 com- patible.The System 200 offers high speed drive options, industry standard com- patible BIOS and on-site service. As Executive Computing said of this com- puter's predecessor, 'If faster processing speed and low cost are two key issues affecting your purchase decision, this machine might be the ideal choice for your office' Standard Features: •80286 microprocessor running at 12.5 MHz. ■640 KB of RAM expandable to 16 MBf (4.6 MBf on system board). • Socket for Intel 80287 math coprocessor.
■ 5.25' 1.2 MB or 3.5' 1.44 MB diskette drive. ■ Dual diskette and hard disk drive controller. ■ Enhanced 101-key keyboard. • 1 parallel and 2 serial ports.
• 200-watt power supply. ■ 6 industry standard expansion slots. Options: • Intel 80287 math coprocessor. ■5 12 KB RAM upgrade kit. **Leasefor as low as $99/Month.
♦Performance Enhancements (Systems 325, 310 and 220): 640 KB is available for programs and data. The remaining 384 KB is reserved for use by the sys- tem to enhance performance. TUsing 1 MB SIMMs.
Inquire as to availability. System 200 Hard Disk Drives 40 MB-28 ms 90MB-18msESDI 150 MB-18ms ESDI 322 MB-18ms ESDI With Monitor & Adapter VGA Mono $2,699 $3,499 $3,999 $5,999 VGA Color Plus $2,999 $3,799 $4,299 $6,299 Laser Printers And More.
The obvious companion for a high performance Dell system is a Dell laser or dot matrix printer. All printers come with 30-day money-back guarantee.
And be sure to ask about our software offerings, which include most popular third-party applications as well as Dell Enhanced operating system software. Laser Printers.
Laser System 150, 15 pages per minute: $5,995. Laser System 80, 8 pages per minute: $3,295. Laser System 60, 6 pages per minute: $2,195. All Dell laser printers come with 1.5 MB RAM, full- page 300 DPI graphics, and have 31 standard fonts (7 resident and 24 down-loadable from diskette). Dell laser printers also provide Hewlett-Packard LaserJet, Epson/FX, IBM Proprinter and Diablo 630 emulations.
Dot Matrix Printers. Printer System 800: $699.95. Our highest resolution text and graphics, 24-pin dot matrix printer. Draft quality at 200 cps.
Letter quality at 66 cps. Parallel and serial interfaces. Wide carriage. Printer System 600: $499.95. 9-pin dot matrix.
Draft quality at 240 cps. Near-letter quality at 60 cps. Parallel interface.
Wide carriage. Printer System 300: $199.95. 9-pin dot matrix.
Draft quality at 144 cps. Near-letter quality at 36 cps. Four standard fonts.
Parallel interface. Narrow carriage. Operating System Software. Dell Enhanced Microsoft® MS-DOS* 3.3: $99.95 Dell Enhanced Microsoft MS-DOS 4.0: $ 1 19.95 (Both MS-DOS versions with disk cache and other utilities) Dell Enhanced MS® OS/2 Standard Edition 1.0: $324.95 To Order, Please Call -426-515 In Canada, Call 800-387-5752 Corporation.
°Service in remote locations will incur additional travel charges. ©1988 DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION. 11EC9~ I ur 386-based systems are priced about 35% less than comparable systems-like Compaq's.
Which may make you wonder if we've left some- thing important out. Like high performance.
Well we haven't. In fact, these are among the fastest 386-based systems available.
With more advanced features than you'd get in systems that list for up to $3000 more. Like Compaq's. For instance, our 20 MHz System 310 offers you the best value available in any 386-based sys- tem. PC Magazine (6/14/88) describes it as 'fast enough to bum the sand off' a desert floor.' And If That Sounds Fast, Wait Till You See Our New 25 MHz 386-Based System.
At 25 MHz, our new System 325 offers you the highest possible performance in a. Like the System 310, it utilizes the very latest technology, including the Intel 82385 Cache Memory Con- troller, advanced 32-bit architecture and high per- formance drives. And of course, both systems are fully IBM PC compatible. (For more detailed specifications, see the inside pages.) But speed isn't the only reason to buy from us. Or even the best reason. The First Personal Computer That's Truly Personal. Dell configures systems to your own personal specifications.
After an DELL COMPUTER CORPORATION evaluation of your needs, we'll help you select the features that are right for you. After your system unit is custom built, we'll burn-in every- thing, add-in boards and all, to make sure the entire system works perfectly. Toll-Free Support And On-Site Service Included In The Price.
Every Dell system includes the Dell System Ana- lyzer, a complete set of diagnostic tools. Which lets Dell's expert technicians resolve problems right over the phone. This toll-free support serv- ice is available from 7 AM to 7 PM (CT) every business day, at no extra charge. And if your system requires hands-on service, a technician will be at your location the next business day. At absolutely no charge to you?
Because included in the price of your system is a full year of on-site service. But that's not all. You also get our 30-day money-back guarantee.
As well as our one-year limited warranty on parts and workmanship. And If You Still Think You Get What You Pay For, Consider This. When you buy or lease from Dell, you buy directly from our manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas. Which means we eliminate dealer markups, allowing us to give you a lot more 386 for less. This same principle is behind all the Dell systems. Review them in detail.
Then call us at (800) 426-5150 to order the system that's right for you. Circle 78 on Reader Service Card MARCH 1989 -BYTE 1 BVTE MARCH 1989 VOL. 3 PRODUCTS IN PERSPECTIVE 65 What's New 97 Short Takes CarrierNET, when Carrier Current Technologies' package works, it works well Turbo EMS, almost-magic EMS emulation from Lantana PC-Write 3.0, Quicksoft's now-serious product CCC Model 2400, Compu Com 's 2400-bps modem for $95 Picture Publisher, Astral 's image-editing package REVIEWS 162 Product Focus: Upscale Monitors by Steve Apiki and Stanford Diehl When you're selecting a monitor, bigness actually adds utility to a system.
COVER STORY Battle of the Chips page 274 The 80286 vs. 80386, and an early look at two new SX-based machines. 177 Laptop Dilemma by Jeff Holtzman The Compaq SLT/286 and the Ogivar 286 offer different features for different needs. 191 Advanced Floppy Disk Drive Controllers by Jeff Holtzman Installing the right disk controller lets you share information stored on incompatible disk formats. 197 Extensible Text Editors for Programmers by J on Udell BRIEF, EMACS, and Epsilon are powerful embedded languages that offer ultimate flexibility. 209 A Virtual Toolkit for Windows and the Mac by Ray Valdes XVT's libraries guarantee Mac-to-PC and PC-to-MAC portability. 221 Superbase 4 by Nick Bar an An intriguing database program, but does it promise more than it can deliver?
XPERT ADVIC 109 Computing at Chaos Manor: Chaos Manor Awards by Jerry Pournelle It was a very good year for computer users. 129 Applications Plus: Trackball Madness by Ezra Shapiro A tale of woe that points out the short life span of some input devices.
135 Down to Business: What Hath COMDEX Wrought? By Wayne Rash Jr. All that glitters in Las Vegas may be just another COMDEX fact. 143 149 — 155 Maci nations: A Macintosh Retrospective by Don Crabb The Macintosh is five years old. How has it affected the world of computers? OS/2 Notebook: Not Quite COMDEX/2 Yet by Mark Minasi On the trail of the first OS/2 applications.
COM1: The Protocol Pack by Brock N. Meeks In this look at XMODEM, file transfer protocols are put through their paces. 2 BYTE- MARCH 1989 COVER PHOTOGRAPHY: PAUL AVIS © 1989 MACINTOSH SUPPLEMENT ► begins after page 224 IN DEPTH 228 Introduction: Object-Oriented Programming 231 What's in an Object? By Dave Thomas Object-oriented programming allows you to build custom applications from existing ones easily. 245 Learning the Language by Peter Wegner Object-oriented languages may well become the standard method for programming in the 1990s. Separation of Powers by Mahesh H. Dodani, Charles E.
Hughes, and J. Michael Moshell The object-oriented paradigm shows great promise as the basis for achieving a mature user- interface technology. 265 The Next Step by Tom Thompson Object-oriented programming simplifies software development with the NeXT computer's NextStep. 270 Object-Oriented Resources Languages, databases, and related products.
Object-Oriented Programming/228 FEATURES 274 Cover Story Battle of the Chips by Frank Hayes The powerful 80386 microprocessor and its stepchild, the 80386SX, take on the venerable 80286. HANDS ON 281 Under the Hood: Caching in on Memory Systems by Brett Glass How do designers make fast CPUs run with almost no wait states, in spite of slow memory?
287 Some Assembly Required: Trees 'n Keys, Part 3 by Rick Grehan In the final installment of this series, Rick discusses bringing the database together. DEPARTMENTS 6 Editorial: OS/3 and Unix's Last, Best Hope 11 Microbytes 24 Letters 33 Chaos Manor Mail 38 Ask BYTE 51 Book Reviews 335 Coming Up in BYTE Some Assembly Required/287 BYTE (ISSN 0360-5280) is published monthly with an additional issue in October by McGraw-Hill, Inc. Postmaster: Send address changes, USPS Form 3579, and fulfillment questions to BYTE Subscriptions, P.O. Box 551, Hightstown, NJ 08520. Second-class postage paid al Peterborough, NH 03458, and additional mailing offices.
Postage paid at Winnipeg, Manitoba. Registration number9321.
Printed in the United Slates of America. Not responsible for lost manuscripts or photos. Opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of BYTE, Copyright © 1989 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
All rights reserved. Trademark registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Subscription questions or problems should be addressed to: BYTE Subscriber Service, P.O. Box 551, Hightstown. © READER SERVICE 334 Editorial Index by Company 336 Alphabetical Index to Advertisers 338 Index to Advertisers by Product Category Inquiry Reply Cards: after 340 PROGRAM LISTINGS From BIX: see 226 From BYTEnet: call (617) 861-9764 On disk or in print: see card after 320 MARCH 1989 -BYTE 3 BVTE EDITOR IN CHIEF Frederic S.
Langa PUBLISHER/GROUP VICE PRESIDENT J. Burt Totaro OPERATIONS Glenn Hartwig Associate Managing Editor REVIEWS (Hardware, Software, Product Focus) Michael Nadeau, Associate Managing Editor, Dennis Allen Senior Technical Editor, Software, Richard Grehan Director, BYTE Lab, Stephen Apiki Testing Editor, BYTE Lab, Stanford Diehl Testing Editor, BYTE Lab NEWS AND TECHNOLOGY (Mlcrobytes, What's New, Short Takes) Rich Malloy Associate Managing Editor, D.