Definitive Bp2000 Manual


Definitive Bp2000 Manual

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My brother gave me a full set of Def Tech speakers back in 2009. I now drive these with a Outlaw 7125 amp for the L and R channels, max 125 watts at 8 ohms.

Definitive Bp2000 Manual

Hey guys, first time posting here! I have done some searching on this and have a question or two: I just got a new receiver and TV. The receiver has a left and right output per channel (it does 7.1 max). I currently have a 5.1 setup. Center channel, 2 front speakers (Definitive Tech BP2000), 2 rear tower.

Definitive Bp2000 Manual

Previously I had a decent Denon 5.1 receiver and that was fine. (Maybe 90'ish watts at 8 ohms. My musical taste is jazz and classical, and of-course we watch movies from DVD and Blue Ray.

Star Trek the Motionless Picture sounds incredible, reminds me of the 70 mm Dolby CP 200 soundtrack back in '79 at the UA 150 theater in downtown Seattle. Best speakers I ever had during a 50+ year obsession with decent and affordable audio. Nice tonal balance and they play as loud as I need, before my 'ears bleed.' I do not plan to ever replace these. Definitive Technology BP2000 are power craving. These are not the speakers ever to be run by any high-street or high end 100watt amps. They begin to sing and come to life when to the least bear minimum of solid 200watt rms (no best buy or common high street stuff) is fed into them and played at above 80 decibels.

U will be in the heaven of clean crisp and distortionless sound. I have had klipsch chorus II and they were amazing too. I have had the experience with Klipschorns as well.

Klipsch heritage series is amazing and beautiful and is capable of making the music sing even at lower decibels of sound with considerable 100watt rms solid state amps. But chorus IIs or klipschorn might sound to some harsh and forward sounding with improper amplification but still they are amazing nevertheless. Whereas underpowered amplification will make BP2000s sound flat, lifeless and dull. I would not compare BP2000s to B&W coz I don't have any experience of B&Ws with 15' or dual 10' woofers. I have had in my possession a B&W pair with dual 8' woofers each. They sounded ethereal but still I would not compare them with BP2000s coz no matter how nice & great my B&Ws sounded they lacked in thrust and presence.

I didn't mention the B&W model on purpose so as to avoid any misleading cues. BP2000 for their price were excellent with both music and movies provided if one could afford to feed them with minimum 200watt rms quality amps or above. Definitive Technology BP2000 build quality is stiff, sturdy and heavy.

Definitve, now more than ever, is the red-headed step-child of this industry. Consistently producing products that are lauded by critics and enthusiasts alike, and now being sold by the likes of (boo, hiss) best buy, it's easy to see why the snobbish, predictable, 'phile' crowd denounce their very existence and scoff at the idea that anyone with any sense would consider such a purchase for a serious music rig, Of course reality dictates a different take. The BP 2000, now 15+ years old, still puts most comparably (and many significantly higher) priced loudpseakers to shame. If you can lose or even consider the losing the pin-point imaging delivered from typical front-radiating designs, you will enjoy other sonic virtues in spades.

They'll play oppressively loud for the SPL-heads, they'll deliver the crucial male (and female) midrange and salient highs that the more crtical listeners are looking for, and finally, they'll bring all of the dynamic punch and power everyone is looking for in a top-flight HT. Crucially, if you truly believe in the mantra that there's 'great music speakers and great home theater speakers but not both', clearly you have never heard a speaker on par with the 2000's (or DT's 7000's) and/or are simply undivorceable from the idea that great sound reproduction MUST contain razor-sharp imagaing. Of course real sound contains nothing of the sort (razor-sharp imaging) and you won't find the 2000's doin' it either. You can find these for $1000 a pair and even less in some cases, which is an outright steal in my book. The cast aluminum baskets, butyl surrounds, and homopolymer drivers are built for the long haul. I had to re-epoxy my sub-surrounds after 15 years, but what do you want? It took 20 minutes total and they are now like-new.

No wood-exposed cabinets to get chipped/marred either.socks are easily re-ordered (and replaced) to bring up to like-new shape- ditto for the gloss caps Granted, they are hardly rectangular picassos, but that's not why I bought them. Rarely does a product come along that I can recommend with virtually zero reservation. This is one of those occasions. If you care about music and how it SOUNDS, and are lucky enough to find a pair that have been cared for, I will guarantee you that you won't walk away from these considering what they can be had for. A testament to the fact that the old really can compete with the new within this corridor of the hobby. Applied Physics Dale Ewen Pdf To Jpg. I was so afraid to get these speakers at $500 a pair in mint form from a nice 72 year old man with All the trash spoked about these speakers.The way i looked at it is there is no way the can sound that bad.I am so Glad i bought them.

I have been fighting a bass problem in my theater area,,,no bass in the sweet spot. If you wan bass,go in the kitchen.I tried,,Klipsch Chourus II, Lascala,Polk Monitor 10,Vintage JBL l220's, all sound nice in a different room,,THESE Speakers DId it for me,, i am done with this room.BAss is excellent and tight,Bids are smooth the tweets could be a little brighter 'for me' but the nices Theater sound i can find for the cash.ALL you Fools Buying these speakers and talking trash about them,,Did you listed to them before you bought them???who buys a car without a test drive!!!!!! GO buy your speakers from the Guys in the white van!!!!!!! First of all, I'm a neutral reviewer for this product as I'm currently not using the BP2000. I have used the BP3000tl for several years and now using the B&W Nautilus 802.

Let me just say that I regret my decision to switch to the B&W 802 for the reasons described below. My other gears are: Preamp: McIntosh C42 Control Centre Power amp: Bryston 14B ST Wires and interconnects: MIT S330 and Kimber Cable 8TC.

Denon AVR 5800 (for HT) Still using my other def tech surround speakers. The 802 has a nice soundstage but the def tech had similar soundstage using my gears and also had a MUCH tighter bass (They were wired full range out of the Mac preamp). What made the bass on the def tech sounded impressive was the Mac's 10V rms voltage output continously plumbing out of the preamp.

The highs and mids were crisp clear and smooth as well: they were bi-wired using the Kimber 8tc to the Bryston stereo power amp (500 watts x 2). Yes, the 802 is nice too. But they can't do home threatre as well, and the def tech smoked the 802 every time I switched to movie mode (via the Denon AVR 5800 into the Mac).

Secondly, if I had my music on in one room and doing some office works in another room, the 802 lost a lot of imaging but the def tech smoked the 802 once again in this area. Lastly, in comparing the 802 to the def tech, I find that the def tech is much more emotional and dynamic.

It gave me a sense of sound envolopment. The 802 has slighly better details in the highs because of the B&W tweeter. If I had to do it all over again, I would stay away from this board and not reading the kind of craps coming out of it from various amatures and audiophiles want to be and make my own dicisions instead.

Definitive Technology BP 2000 Loudspeaker Definitive Technology BP 2000 Loudspeaker Since its inception, Definitive Technology has specialized in bipolar loudspeaker designs. Bipolar speakers typically have duplicate groups of drivers, facing to the front and rear and driven in phase.

That con figuration gives nearly omnidirectional response in the horizontal plane, with just a slight reduction in output to the sides at middle and high frequencies. Walmart Employee Handbook Policies. Bipolar speakers, when placed a few feet from the wall behind them, tend to add a quality of spaciousness to the sound, creating a somewhat more realistic soundstage than conventional speaker designs. In addition, the multiple drivers can handle more power than a standard configuration for a given distortion level (or, conversely, will generate less distortion for a given sound-pressure level). Another potential benefit of the bipolar configuration is a narrower cabinet width, since low frequencies can be handled very effectively by two modestly sized woofers instead of a single larger one.

That enables the de signer to use a smaller panel width for a given level of bass performance, minimizing the enclosure 'footprint.' But in the case of Definitive Technology's latest bipolar speaker, the BP 2000, the most distinctive (albeit virtually invisible) feature is a built-in powered subwoofer. The result is a reason ably compact speaker system with truly prodigious bass extension and out put capability. That is not to say that the BP 2000 is exactly a small speaker -- each one measures 50 inches high, 9 inches wide, and 16 inches deep and weighs an impressive 120 pounds -- yet it can be used effectively in al most any size room without visually dominating the decor. Styled like most previous Definitive Technology bipolar speakers, the BP 2000 is a slender column covered with a black elastic 'sock' over its full height on the front, sides, and about two-thirds of the rear panel. The top is a piano-finish, black-lacquered wood en plate that is easily removed for pulling down the cloth sock and exposing the drivers. The speaker's base is a similarly finished wooden plate.

The system is also available with cherry endcaps. For a tighter contact with the floor, optional spikes are available.

Although the BP 2000 is relatively tall and deep, side placement of the subwoofer driver enables the cabinet to remain as narrow as those of most other Definitive Technology speakers, and it occupies only about a square foot of floor space. If the speakers are slightly angled toward the listening position (for optimum stereo imaging), they are surprisingly inconspicuous. Lifting off the top plate and pulling down the grille sock reveals the driver complement. On the upper half of the front panel is a pair of 6¾-inch cone woofers (their effective cone diameter is about 5½ inches each) vertically flanking a 1-inch aluminum-dome tweeter in the popular D'Appolito configuration.

The tweeter is offset slightly to one side of the panel's vertical midline, which may have been done as much to minimize the spacing between the woofers as for any imaging benefit. The woofers have cast magnesium baskets and compliant rubber surrounds. The rear panel holds an identical trio of drivers, located directly behind the front array. Definitive Technology says the cabinet interior is divided into separate enclosure volumes that give the front and rear sections slightly different low-frequency cutoff frequencies, apparently to compensate for the closer proximity of the rear drivers to the wall. The rear tweeter is also off set, in the opposite direction from the front tweeter. The lower half of the cabinet is devoted to the subwoofer and its 300 watt amplifier. The subwoofer itself is a massive 15-inch driver with an actual cone diameter of 13 inches, mounted on the side of the cabinet.

Designed as mirror-image pairs, the BP 2000 can be used with the sub woofers facing either outward or inward (the latter is recommended because of the slightly increased coupling between the two subwoofers). Incidentally, when the speaker's top is removed and the cabinet edges exposed, you can see that the side holding the subwoofer is 1¼ inches thick, compared to 1 inch for the front and rear panels and 3/4 inch for the other side. A knuckle-rap test suggested that the structure is about as rigid as a brick or a cinder block. Although we could not see inside the enclosure, it is evidently strongly braced.

The bottom of the cabinet contains the subwoofer amplifier and its associated crossover components. Covering the bottom 15 inches of the rear of the enclosure is a metal panel with input connectors, amplifier heat sinks, a power switch, a line fuse, a sensitivity switch, and knobs for adjusting the bass equalization and level. Price is $3,000 per pair. The BP 2000 offers a variety of connection options. It has three pairs of five-way binding posts (labeled HIGH, MID, and LOW), which accept single or dual banana plugs, wires, or lugs and are normally connected in parallel by gold-plated metal jumpers.

The simplest connection uses only the wires that would normally connect your amplifier or receiver to conventional speakers. You can also bi-wire or tri-wire the speakers, with separate cables to each section, by removing the appropriate jumpers. Yet another possibility is to drive the subwoofer portion of the system from the line-level out puts of a preamplifier equipped with two sets of full-range line outputs (or Y adaptors could be used to turn each of a single set of outputs into two). Each speaker has a RCA phono-jack input to its subwoofer amplifier that can accept a full-range signal and pass it through the speaker's internal low-pass filter. A twelve-page instruction manual describes the procedure for setting the subwoofer controls. The criteria for final adjustment are purely subjective, based on when it sounds 'right' to you.

In addition to the usual level control, there is a low-frequency equalization control for fine-tuning the balance between the low bass (under 50 Hz) and the upper bass (50 to 100 Hz). The procedure is not complicated, and the instructions point out that (as with separate subwoofers) there is no absolutely 'correct' setting. You are encouraged to experiment with the settings to discover the one that best suits your own taste. Normally the subwoofers of the two speakers will be set identically, but the manual points out that you can compensate for asymmetrical positioning of the left and right speakers (which could affect their low-bass performance) by using different subwoofer level and equalization settings for them. Although the speakers have sub woofer power switches, there is no problem in leaving them energized continuously, since they use very little power at idle (we never shut them off during several weeks of use). The heat sinks never became more than faintly warm, even after extended operation at high volume levels.

For the most part, we were able to test the BP 2000's as we do all speakers. The averaged room response of the left and right speakers, based on a swept warble-tone signal, was exceptionally uniform, with several minor ripples of less than 3 dB. That smoothness was verified by an MLS quasi anechoic measurement.

Our measurements closely resembled the response curves supplied to us by Definitive Technology, which were made using a totally different procedure and in a very different environment. All the response curves exhibited a series of small ripples, with a peak-to peak amplitude of 3 to 4 dB, across the range from 300 Hz to 20 kHz. Our close-miked measurement of the subwoofer's response agreed exactly with the manufacturer's data, including the effect of its equalizer control. In its middle position, which we used for listening and measurements, the subwoofer response was ±3 dB from 23 to 100 Hz.

In the range between 100 and 300 Hz, measurements become somewhat ambiguous, since there is an unavoidable interaction with the room boundaries. Our composite response curve for the BP 2000, combining the close miked subwoofer response and the room response, had a 6-dB peak-to peak variation between 100 and 200 Hz, which would certainly be different (but probably present to some degree) in any other room, The BP 2000's horizontal dispersion was typical of speakers with drivers of similar size. The output plots on-axis and 45 degrees off-axis remained close up to about 10 kHz, and then the curves diverged by about 5 dB at 13 kHz and 15 dB at 20 kHz. The system's impedance ranged from 4 ohms between 3 and 20 kHz to 16 ohms at 20 Hz. There were peaks of 14 ohms at 100 Hz and 10 ohms at 1.4 kHz. The speaker's specifications state only that its impedance is compatible with amplifiers designed to drive 4- to 8-ohm loads, which is consistent with our measurements.

There was no clear indication of the crossover frequency between the tweeters and midrange drivers in anything we measured or heard, which is actually as it should be. The preliminary specifications for the BP 2000 include a 90-dB sensitivity rating, a bandwidth of 15 Hz to 30 kHz (!), and a recommendation for use with main system amplifiers rated between 30 and 300 watts per channel (which encompasses virtually every high-fidelity amplifier on the market). We measured the system sensitivity at 1 meter with a 2.83-volt input of noise (equivalent to 1 watt into 8 ohms) as 92 dB sound-pressure level (SPL), slightly higher than rated. That suggests (and we verified) that the BP 2000 can be driven to lease-breaking levels by just about any receiver or amplifier, with a wide margin of re serve power. The main-system drivers had no difficulty handling all the power our test amplifier could muster in single-cycle tone bursts 860 watts at 1 kHz into the woofers and 1,280 watts at 10 kHz into the tweeters. We measured the subwoofer distortion with a steady-state 2.25-volt input to the system (equivalent to a 90-dB SPL system output). The distortion (largely third-harmonic) was, to our surprise, not spectacularly low, ranging from 6 percent at 30 Hz to about 2 percent at 100 Hz and higher.

It climbed steeply at lower frequencies, to about 18 percent at 20 Hz. That is not significantly different from what we have measured from some good conventional speakers that are smaller and less expensive than the BP 2000. On the other hand, the BP 2000 can be driven to truly room-shaking levels in the low bass without much audible evidence of subwoofer (or any other) distortion. We measured average room levels (with musical program material) of close to 105 dB in some of our listening tests. As with any speaker, the ultimate proof of performance is in the listening.

Over the years I have heard a few (very few!) speakers, usually at industry shows, that overwhelmed me and were clearly superior to almost any- thing else I had heard prior to that time. Without exception, those speakers were far more expensive (by a factor of many times), and usually much larger, than the BP 2000. I never had the opportunity to live with those speakers and listen to them at length with material of my own choosing, and the specific program material plays an enormous role in one's listening impressions. The Definitive Technology BP 2000 is the first speaker I have been able to audition in my own familiar surroundings that has given me that special thrill that usually costs ten or more times its price to obtain. When I heard it demonstrated at the 1995 Winter Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, I knew it was something special, and the more I listen to it now the more that feeling is confirmed. For one thing, driven by even a modestly powered amplifier, it can play louder than I can imagine anyone would normally want to listen, yet without audible distortion. This speaker is just loafing along at any level one would reasonably use in a home.

The bipole configuration generates a pleasingly natural stereo stage, and the sub woofers provide a foundation that you can feel as much as hear. Frankly, if circumstances allowed, I would choose these speakers for my self.

Alas, space and decor considerations make that impractical. And I hate to pass up a bargain like this one!

Consider what you get for $3,000: two first-rate bipolar speakers, two 15-inch subwoofers, and two 300-watt amplifiers, all packaged in two attractively styled columns that occupy one square foot each of floor space. I doubt that you can get a better sounding system for less than several times the price of the BP 2000. And one more thing: You don't need exotic equipment to get high-caliber sound from a pair of BP 2000's. The speaker was demonstrated at CES with very high-end cables and amplifiers.

I used a 75-watt receiver and 14-gauge Radio Shack speaker wire, and I doubt that an additional $20,000 spent on that end of the system would have made any appreciable improvement. The BP-2000 is, price notwithstanding, a remarkable value. Definitive Technology, Dept. SR, 11105 Valley Heights Dr., Baltimore, MD 21117 Source: Stereo Review (09-1995) by Julian Hirsch Next All Related Articles Updated: Tuesday, 2016-09-27 21:18 PST.