American Corrections 9th Edition Powerpoint Download


American Corrections 9th Edition Powerpoint Download

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American Corrections 9th Edition Powerpoint Download

Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 8 th Chapter 11 The Prison Experience Clear & Cole, American Corrections, 8 th The Prison Experience  Prison Society Norms and Values Prison Subculture: Deprivation or Importation?

No notes for slide• • • Before Prison there were workhouses, other forms of cruel punishment. Glad we do not use the rack anymore. Punative punishment came about in the Middle Ages. • There seems to be more violence in Prison than Jail. I believe that this is due to the long periods of time that a lot of prison inmates receive, and the ones who have life sentences do not really have much else to lose, so they can freely give in to their violent tendencies.

• It is harder on the inmates to be farther away from where they live. Many inmates in prisons, never receive a visitor ever. It makes it harder to do your time peacefully. Prison and jail inmates are classified by the severity of their crimes and this classification plays a large part in what type of facility an offender serves time in. • The dangers of being in a prison or jail, to work or be incarcerated are numerous, such as being violently raped, stabbed, and or having feces, urine and blood thrown on you by inmates who may or may not be carrying diseases such as HIV or full blown aids. • • The prisoners may have to pay up to a dollar a day in restitution charges for their stay in a prison, however the taxpayer foots the rest of the $64.80 • The prisoners in Prison have much more at their disposal to learn, than jail inmates. Rehabilitation for anything beyond drugs and alcohol abuse are not offered at many jails.

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American Corrections 9th Edition Powerpoint Download

Prisoners in jail, are for the most part just passing that time away. • In prison and in jails as well, inmates have to follow not only the prison rules, but there is a code of conduct among the inmates themselves. These programs can help immensely by teaching inmates how to be a productive member of society.

Cj101 powerpoint presentation • 1.