Alicia En El Pais De Los Cuantos Pdf Download


Alicia En El Pais De Los Cuantos Pdf Download

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7 August 1979 US embassy in Argentina memorandum of the conversation with 'Jorge Contreras', director of Task Force 7 of the 'Reunion Central' section of the, which gathered members from all parts of the Argentine Armed Forces. Subject: 'Nuts and Bolts of the Government's Repression of Terrorism-Subversion.' On the ' website. State Department documents obtained in 2003 during the George W. Bush Administration by the under the show that in October 1976, Secretary of State and high-ranking US officials gave their full support to the Argentine military junta and urged them to hurry up and finish their actions before the cut military aid.

On 5 October 1976 Kissinger met with Argentina's Foreign Minister and stated: “ Look, our basic attitude is that we would like you to succeed. I have an old-fashioned view that friends ought to be supported. What is not understood in the United States is that you have a civil war. We read about human rights problems but not the context. The quicker you succeed the better. The human rights problem is a growing one. Your Ambassador can apprise you. Download Buku Discipline Belajar Mengaji.

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Alicia En El Pais De Los Cuantos Pdf Download

We want a stable situation. We won't cause you unnecessary difficulties. If you can finish before Congress gets back, the better. Whatever freedoms you could restore would help. ” The US was also a key provider of economic and military assistance to the Videla regime during the earliest and most intense phase of the repression. In early April 1976, the US Congress approved a request by the, written and supported by Henry Kissinger, to grant $50,000,000 in security assistance to the junta.

At the end of 1976, Congress granted an additional $30,000,000 in military aid, and recommendations by the Ford Administration to increase military aid to $63,500,000 the following year were also considered by congress. US assistance, training and military sales to the Videla regime continued under the successive up until at least 30 September 1978 when military aid was officially called to a stop within section 502B of the Foreign Assistance Act. In 1977 and 1978 the United States sold more than $120,000,000 in military spare parts to Argentina, and in 1977 the US Department of Defense was granted $700,000 to train 217 Argentine military officers. By the time the (IMET) program was suspended to Argentina in 1978, total US training costs for Argentine military personnel since 1976 totalled $1,115,000. The, whose first term began in 1981, however, asserted that the previous Carter Administration had weakened US diplomatic relationships with allies in Argentina, and reversed the previous administration's official condemnation of the junta's human rights practices. The re-establishment of diplomatic ties allowed for collaboration with the Argentine intelligence service in training and arming the Nicaraguan against the government. The, for example, trained Contras at base, in Honduras.

Cuban involvement with the guerrillas [ ] During the height of Argentine, the Cubans used their embassy in Buenos Aires to maintain direct contact with Argentine guerrillas. In 1973, the Montoneros merged with the Cuban-backed FAR (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias or Armed Revolutionary Forces) that in 1972 had planted a bomb in the Sheraton hotel in Buenos Aires that killed a Canadian tourist. On 13 February 1974, a clandestine meeting was held in Mendoza, Argentina, and the Junta de Coordinacion Revolucionaria (JCR or Junta of Revolutionary Coordination) was formed. The JCR consisted of four guerrilla groups: the Uruguayan Tupamaros (MLN-T), the Chilean Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR) and the Bolivian Revolutionary Army (ELN).

The ERP guerrillas maintained a guerrilla warfare training school, an arms factory, and a false documentation center in Argentina. These were all closed down in 1975 by Argentine security forces.

In 1976, ERP guerrillas started receiving training in Cuba on an 1800 hectare (7 square miles) estate near Guanabo as well as at another site in Pinar del Rio. In July 2008, admitted that he backed left-wing radicals and guerrilla forces in Argentina in order to start an armed revolution: 'The only place where we didn't promote a revolution was in Mexico. In the rest (of Latin America) we tried, without exception.' 'French Connection' [ ].