Adywans Star Wars Purist Edition Nathan


Adywans Star Wars Purist Edition Nathan

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Originally Posted by A27_StarWolf No its honestly how I feel. I even think the Prequels are great movies, I can't wait to introduce my little sister to Star Wars on the big screen. I think his explanation for Greedo/Han is pretty reasonable.

I don't particularly care anymore. I paid Lucas for his DVDs and now I watch fan edits, so he can do whatever he wants. Both Harmy's Despecialized editions and Adywan's Purist edition are great, depending on what you're looking for.

Adywans Star Wars Purist Edition Nathan

Every single change he has made to the movies in my opinion have been fine, and changes he wanted to make/wanted to begin with on some level. That's fine by me.Yeah. He always wanted Vader to yell 'Noooo!'

At the end of Jedi. Just didn't have budget to pay James Earl Jones for it. You are either trolling hardcore (and well) or bought into his BS.

I'm fine with people being okay with or even loving all his changes. But, he has gone far beyond simply making changes to make them closer to his original visions. I don't even know what bullshit he is trying to sell with Greedo. But, the man has always been a flat out liar when it comes to the legend that is Star Wars. Originally Posted by speculawyer.Good shit. Originally Posted by Hero_of_the_Day Yeah.

He always wanted Vader to yell 'Noooo!' At the end of Jedi. Just didn't have budget to pay James Earl Jones for it. You are either trolling hardcore (and well) or bought into his BS. I'm fine with people being okay with or even loving all his changes. But, he is has gone far beyond simply making changes to make them closer to his original visions.

I don't even know what bullshit he is trying to sell with Greedo. But, the man has always been a flat out liar when it comes to the legend that is Star Wars.How do you explain the scene where Jabba was added in the hangar? Originally Posted by thesoapster Minor changes, eh? I mean, some of the SE VHS updates were nice IMO. Hell, some of the Blu-ray updates were nice.

Han not shooting first was dumb. He may not turn out to be a bad guy, but he is a rough smuggler who watches out for himself when we first meet him. I'd have no doubt he'd drop Greedo like that. He becomes less selfish later on. What really bothered me about the Blu-ray was of course the introduction of Vader's No.NOOOOOOOOO bullshit and then fucking up a really cool character (Boba Fett) by changing his voice to the lame ass guy that plays his stupid dad.Forgive me, but I'm not super hardcore into star wars (do like the original trilogy more than the prequels.never even seen PM completely). I can get the whole greedo shooting first ( 'cold blooded killer' doesn't equal selfish asshole, which is how I view Han solo), but what (if any) excuse did he have for the whole NOOO thing in Jedi? Lionel Loueke Heritage Rapidshare Search. Also, did not know that about boba.

Originally Posted by Captain Sparrow How do you explain the scene where Jabba was added in the hangar?They wanted to have that in the original but couldn't due to budget/costume constraints and the fact that it was a redundant scene (they already established Han being on the run from Jabba over a botched smuggling job). There wasn't that much point to it, so why bother going to all the trouble setting up Jabba? So instead of just leaving it on the cutting room floor as a bonus behind-the-scenes thing, they awkwardly stuck a terrible CGI Jabba in the shot, and covered up for Han walking over where Jabba's tail would be (I'm not sure why they couldn't just reposition Jabba) by making a really cheesy joke where Han purposefully steps on the murderous crime boss that he's supposed to be running from. Originally Posted by Captain Sparrow How do you explain the scene where Jabba was added in the hangar?In no way did I say or mean to imply that that's not where some of it came from. I think that is what he set out to do with the special editions. Then he just kept going and going to the point where he is either actively going through them with an editors eye every time they release (which is crazy) or doing it for media attention, which is what I believe.

If he is just honestly going through trying to find what he thinks would make them better, he just needs to stop. The idea of visiting a decades old piece of work and trying to perfect it over and over is crazy. How crazy would it be for a band to go back a rerecord a CD, but decide they don't like the chorus in a song. Like Metallica is just like 'fuck, I always hated the chorus to Enter Sandman, let's rewrite it.'

People would flip the fuck out. And honestly, I know I'm seeming like some hardcore 'fuck lucas' guy. But, I'm not even overly pissed or anything. None of the changes are that huge.

It's just weird and annoying that he just keeps going back and tinkering with it. The little changes he makes start to add up and become annoying. The point is not that George Lucas isn't allowed to make changes. It's that the changes he makes are ALMOST UNIVERSALLY TERRIBLE. Every time the Star Wars films come out in a new format, they are worse movies than they were before. And you'd think I could say 'except for the special effects, those are better', but there are so many effects and sound errors that persist from release to release that THAT'S not even true. He's so worried about changing the films, but he doesn't actually FIX the ACTUAL errors that exist in the films.

And half the time he adds things, it causes MORE errors to crop up. It's ridiculous. So basically what I'm getting here is that the simple, iconic, well timed feel of the original theatrical release is basically a big mistake that Lucas in his infinite wisdom has worked his ass off to correct over time. Only when all traces of humanity have been wiped from the face of this Earth and a lone machine deep in some cold dark underground bunker flickers blankly at wall projecting a completely reworked Star Wars featuring Jar Jar Binks as every character will the movie truly be perfect. By Lucas' beard, may it be so. Originally Posted by GrotesqueBeauty So basically what I'm getting here is that the simple, iconic, well timed feel of the original theatrical release is basically a big mistake that Lucas in his infinite wisdom has worked his ass off to correct over time. Only when all traces of humanity have been wiped from the face of this Earth and a lone machine deep in some cold dark underground bunker flickers blankly at wall projecting a completely reworked Star Wars featuring Jar Jar Binks as every character will the movie truly be perfect.

By Lucas' beard, may it be so. Originally Posted by SteveWinwood I agree with nothing he has done. I'm just wondering where the line is and how much control a creator actually has over his work?

An artist makes art. It's their view on something.

It sure helps that the audience likes it if you're trying to sell it. But, does he not have the right to make something he thinks is true to his vision?

If you created a piece of art and a couple of years later a new kind of paint comes out that you feel could make your piece ten times better, do you not have a right to make it out of that paint?I think a good analogy might be the Megaman remake on PSP, or the Bionic Commando remake on XBLA/PSN. Keiji Inafune didn't create Megaman 1, he didn't even direct Megaman 1, he was just a sprite artist. But did that contribution give him (acting as the will of the copyright holder) extra moral authority to create the PSP remake? I kind of think it did. But he also had skill and love and passion. Ben Judd had nothing to do with the original Bionic Commando, just skill and love and passion. Is that the most important part? Download Motorola V3x Software Piracy.

It also helps that people like Inafune and Judd have been more than diligent in trying to preserve the NES originals. The studio refused to give the creators of Megaman 1 credit in the original game. Don't you think Inafune would have 'always intended' to see his name listed in the credits? But if you beat the Virtual Console version of the game, you see his alias Inafking getting credit. So I don't think it really matters that Lucas sat in the director's chair on Star Wars. It's nice, but it's not the most important part. Star Wars will actually be better off without him than with him.

Lucas was railing against the studios because he said that they do terrible things to films (from a preservation standpoint), but the crux of it wasn't that they were studios and therefore they didn't contribute artistically (they only contributed financially and judged the product and had criticisms and made creative demands), it was that they did terrible things (from a preservation standpoint). And Lucas is today doing those same terrible things. He suggested legally taking creative power away from the studios and giving it to the guy in the director's chair as a way to stop those things from happening, but he himself is proving that that's no solution, because he's as bad as any studio. In regards to where you draw the line, I know that most art is never finished, but when you unveil it, that's the time when you're supposed to stop.

If you're truly not satisfied with it, you can make a new work that's based on it. Lucas has made too many new works, and he's not preserving any of them. Originally Posted by nick nacc The more I learn (or think I learn) about the original trilogy the more I realize it was because the people around him, he either lost it or never had it.

Ergo they are not really hs movies to f with, when he dies I swear someone is going to do more episodes and they will be damn good, only time will tell.THX 1138 was pretty good, and American Graffiti was awesome. The worst part is, he got to Spielberg too. Edited out the shotguns in E.T. And replaced them with walkie-talkies:(. Originally Posted by ruby_onix Lucas has made too many new works, and he's not preserving any of them.

This is what really makes him a jerk. Just out of respect for the work and its fans he could have preserved the original theatrical release. If he had done that, no matter what bizarre, tone-deaf changes he made later he would always have been loved for the originals. But he really, really hates Star Wars fans for not sharing his vision.

So he destroyed the originals out of spite and is on a non-stop trolling offensive ever since. I've long since given up on Star Wars. But if Crystal Skull aliens ever get edited into Raiders.

('it was my plan all along to foreshadow the aliens'). Originally Posted by neorej The more Lucas speaks, the more I'm convinced he's trying to find out how much he can troll the fanbase before they decide to say 'fuck it'.Yeah I think so too. And that is why I dislike this man so much. He reminds me of that novel, 1984, where they are simply rewriting history. Not only does he fuck up a perfectly good scene (Han vs Greedo) but he actually lies about the original scene.

Saying it was always the intention to have Greedo shot first. I am convinced he is trolling. He is hurt by some of the hardcore fans who keep complaining, so he takes revenge by trolling some more, changing some other stuff, knowing this will piss them off more. Mr Lucas, I understand it might be annoying that you have a whiny fanbase, but remember it is this whiny fanbase that is responsible for the fact you can sit on your fat ass stuffing your four chins like fucking Jabba the Hutt.

Originally Posted by apana This is not true. We've seen stuff since Star Wars. What about Harry Potter, The Matrix, Avatar, Nolan Batman etc.? People all over the world are the same they will watch something if someone creates a good world and story. The problem is that studios are so focused on the established franchises that they don't want to spend too much energy on new stuff.Not saying they're won't be big films/pop culture phenomenons, but they're not going to be as fawned over as Star Wars.

Back then, Star Wars was like the only thing of it's type, it was this big sci-fi fantasy adventure like no-one had really seen before, and everyone had seen it. We couldn't stop talking about it, for over 30 years it seems.

Avatar made loads of money, sure, tons and tons of people have seen it, but it's not especially 'loved' in the same vein, is it? You're never going to see a Family Guy Avatar special, or stand-up comedians referencing very specific scenes from that film, or kids naming their crappy garage bands after that film's characters, are you?

People go see Inception or whatever, and then rather than thinking about it for like the next 3 months non-stop whilst they have to wait for something else to come out at the cinema, people just boot up Netflix or their Xbox or whatever and move on to some other entertainment. Pop culture is consumed so quickly nowadays, that's why I feel the Star Wars legacy can never be matched. Harry Potter comes close.

But that also happened at the beginning of the decade, when that fragmentation hadn't quite finished yet. Maybe I should change my argument to it's very unlikely we'll see a film create that legacy again, because, as you say, the 'if you build it they will come' argument is very much a good one, but the omnipresence of media nowadays will shut down anyone being as crazy about something in the long-term as the people of '77 were about Star Wars. Originally Posted by ddp72984 Forgive me, but I'm not super hardcore into star wars (do like the original trilogy more than the prequels.never even seen PM completely).

I can get the whole greedo shooting first ( 'cold blooded killer' doesn't equal selfish asshole, which is how I view Han solo), but what (if any) excuse did he have for the whole NOOO thing in Jedi? Also, did not know that about boba. Interesting.I'm not hardcore into it, either.

I did like the original three quite a lot. I'm not so sure there is an excuse for the Vader change. At least not a good one. I can imagine him sitting there and saying something like an idiot, 'Well, you see, deep down Anakin really did still have good in him.

We just really wanted to show that,' or some other nonsense. The point is it's corny, stupid, and entirely unnecessary.

The way it was originally done already conveys Vader's thought process as he has to decide whether to let his son get killed in front of him. Jedi being the finale he basically just garnished the top of the cake with a shit brownie.